Wiñazki's Clutter for the report he will present this Sunday in PPT


Ultramacrist journalist Nicolás Wiñazki has highlighted the revelation that the report he will present this Sunday in the program of Jorge Lanata was exposed 10 years ago by the newspaper.

After Clarín has published an overview of the issue that Wiñazki will be dealing with this Sunday in the PPT, they left the TN driver offside to make sure that "only repeat the information on this topic already published there is more of 10 years ".


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"Clarín boasts of having accepted terrorist calls between April 21 and July 18, 1994, the day of the attack." This does not seem so deserving, as all readers of Página / 12 on Thursday can say the same. May 21, 2009, "said Page.

Under the title "The key article in the theory of the prosecutor", the newspaper had revealed the calls of the journalist Raúl Kollmann, who had accessed the information because "it appeared in the document by which the prosecutor of the Natalio Alberto Nisman he asked for the arrest of Samuel Salman El Reda ", to whom he had been appointed logistics coordinator allowing the entry and exit of the country's group author of the 39; attack. According to the Wiñazki publication, the information comes from "intelligence reports".

"Unlike Wiñaski, Kollmann did not simply reproduce in 2009 the intelligence reports copied by Nisman as being the truth revealed, but he put the prosecutor's charge in context, showed his limitations and solved the problems that the probative weakness of the demand for detention would have on the future of the investigation ", fired Page.


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