Wind farms: one of Mauricio Macri’s brothers was summoned to testify



The judge Marcelo Martinez De Giorgi ordered the subpoena to testify as a witness to Mariano macri, brother of the former President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri, in the event that it is investigated the existence of irregularities in the concession of wind farms to the company Isolux-Corsan under the previous government.

Two possible crimes are under investigation in the case: incompatible negotiations with the public service and fraud against the public administration. The Spanish company Isolux-Corsan has obtained the concession for six wind farms. The last two calls for tenders were made by the Macri government, which delivered the parks to this company – which was not going through a good economic and financial situation – in October 2016.

Later, the Spanish company sold the wind farms to the companies Sidsel SA and Sideli SA, linked to the family of the former president Macri. These companies were controlled by others headquartered in Spain and Luxembourg.

According to the court record, the Macri-related companies bought the wind farms and sold them for a million dollar profit. Forensic investigators suspect that the Isolux could have served as a “front” for the Macri family businesses to sell the wind farms. An investigation is also underway to find out whether the public officials who participated in the call for tenders in favor of Isolux-Corsan were linked to the events.

Excerpts from the book have been added to the file Brother, written by the journalist Santiago O’Donnell, in which Mariano Macri claims that “in the case of wind farms, Gianfranco was Mauricio’s figurehead”. It is for this reason and for some additional data added to the case that Martínez De Giorgi summoned Mariano Macri to testify. Mariano Macri’s statement is not yet dated. But it will take shape in the coming days. When investing in the wind farms, Socma – the parent company of Grupo Macri – consisted of Gianfranco Macri, his brother Mariano and the children of the former president. Mauricio Macri’s children’s shares were bought by Gianfranco Macri in 2018

In the same book and on what is being investigated on the cause, Mariano Macri had said: “About alternative energy companies, I had information from Esteban Nofal, a friend who was linked with them through the representation of my sister and because she took things from me. He has built a relationship that he values ​​with Mauricio and the group. He even negotiated the sale of one of the group’s wind farms and would have earned a big commission ”. This is why Martínez De Giorgi was summoned to testify Esteban Nofal as a witness for March 3.

The small periods of the newspaper La Nación, Hugo Alconada Mon and Iván Ruiz, which revealed that one of the Luxembourg-based wind farm related companies is owned by Gianfranco Macri. This is why he was also called to testify.

The judge also called as a witness Mariana Belén Solange Nannis Silles (Mariana Nannis) who has made several presentations in the case and claims to be her ex-husband, Claudio Caniggia is linked to the purchase and sale of wind farms which are the subject of an investigation in the case. Nannis has been summoned in person for next Monday at 9:30 a.m.

In the same resolution by which he ordered the summons, the judge explained that the Kirchnerist deputy- Rodolfo Tailhade whistleblower in the case – is not a party to the case and cannot request investigations and arrests of those investigated in the case. He invited him, yes, to provide all the documentation on the case, for which he summoned him for next March 4.

The judge also ordered that part of the case be sent to economic criminal justice as it may be a tax evasion offense.

I continued to read

Santiago O’Donnell talks about the book “Hermano”

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