Winter holidays: 9 tips to remember


Can not impose a minimum amount for payment with cards (Shutterstock)

The winter holidays have begun and it is estimated that some 5 million Argentines will travel across the country. Many others plan shows and attend shows. Therefore, from the National Directorate of Consumer Protection, they published some advice to consider before buying or renting a service :

1. Shows, recitals and events

If an event is suspended, you can request a refund or an entry for the date of reprogramming . If it has been canceled by the organization, you can request reimbursement for additional expenses incurred (such as transportation and accommodation, among others).

2. Credit and Debit Cards

There can be no difference in price between cash payment and debit or credit card payment in one payment. A minimum purchase amount can not be required either.

3. Travel and Online Services

It is recommended to verify that the site is secure before entering the card information: the address must begin with "https". Also make sure that the final costs of the trip or service are shown on the screen.

If published services are provided from or to the outside, their prices may be displayed in dollars. As in any online operation, ten days ago to repent without charge but as long as they are Argentine-based companies that respect local law.

4. Air ticket

Claims relating to the cancellation or reprogramming of flights and the loss or damage of baggage shall be addressed to the airline. National Administration of Civil Aviation. More information on

Other issues such as lack of information, non-compliance with promotions or points and mileage programs must be routed by consumer protection agencies on line 0800-666- 1518.

Applications for cancellation must be made to Anac (Agustn Marcarian)

5. Rent and Accommodation

Before you rent, you must carefully read the contract and verify the identity of the owner . Also check that the property is in the conditions set by the contract and that all equipment is working as agreed.

6. Mobility and Car Rental

When renting a car, it is recommended to request a copy of the contract in advance. Once they deliver it, before signing it, check that it is in accordance with the agreed conditions.

In addition, the rental company must provide the green card and proof of insurance. For this reason, it is important to verify that both are in effect .

If the car suffers damage beyond the consumer's responsibility, it corresponds to the totality of the deposit . ] 7. Mobile Phones and Homelessness

If the roaming service is activated on a mobile phone while traveling abroad, it is advisable to be informed at the same time. 39, advance current prices and conditions of service provided by the telephone company.

8. Excursions

When hiring a tour you can check if the agency is activated on the website of the Ministry of Tourism (www.turismo.gob. ar). It is recommended to request a copy of the contract, where the conditions of the tour, the services that are included and their final costs need to be clarified.

There is a register of agencies authorized to make excursions

9. Vacation Camps

Holiday Camp Services shall provide all necessary information in writing prior to hiring, such as services, schedules and scheduled activities.

Channels for inquiries and complaints are the free hotline 0800 666 1518 and the website

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