with 80 confirmed cases in 5 districts, they believe community circulation is already inevitable


Read more: Delta variant gets bigger and Argentina adds cases

The Ministry of Health has confirmed by genomic sequencing of 80 people infected with the Delta variant, a strain initially detected in India. Corn to these 80 people are added 12 others who were in close contact with Delta cases who are diagnosed with Covid-19, although still “no sequencing”.

In Jump, an athlete who returned from Europe with this variant caused the contagion of at least eight people. In Cordoba, he inachievement of isolation by a traveler from Peru and four close contacts resulted in 20 positives and over 800 isolated people preventively. The traveler and the first four contacts are in police custody for violation of solitary confinement, on charges of up to 15 years in prison. But this Saturday the “zero case” had to be hospitalized for bilateral pneumonia. This is a 62-year-old man who returned from Peru. In addition to these outbreaks cited in Salta and Capital Federal, there are 22 cases in the province of Buenos Aires. There are also three cases in Rosario, people who have traveled abroad. But the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzoti, assured that “We have by no means a predominant traffic” of the Delta variant.

Corn “The Delta variant spreads very easily,” warned infectologist Javier Farina, and adviser to the government, and ensured thatand “it is very likely” that Argentina has “community circulation.” By the number of cases and contacts who are diagnosed with Delta we assume that it is already there and that there is community transmission “, he stressed.

Roberto Teijeiro, infectologist at Pirovano Hospital, OK: “We can already say that there is community trafficbecause there are two cases which have no connection with travel or with travelers ”. “We will see how that evolves from now on in terms of the number of cases.”

Despite these data, the federal capital and the province of Buenos Aires will return today to face-to-face courses, but with different modalities.

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