With a recorded message, Cristina made the announcement via social networks


"I asked Alberto Fernandez to lead the formula that we will integrate together, him as a presidential candidate and myself as vice-candidate to participate in the next primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory elections"Cristina Kirchner said through a message that she posted on her Twitter account.

The exmandataria explained: "Alberto, whom I have known for over 20 years and it is true that we also had differences." As true as he was Nestor's Chief of Staff throughout his presidency and I saw him with him decide, arrange, agree and always look at the greatest possible extent of the government ".

"This formula that we propose is convinced that it is the one that best expresses what is needed at this moment in Argentina to appeal to the broader social, political and economic sectors, not only to win elections, but also to govern ", the exmandataria maintained.

After indicating that "the situation of the population and the country is dramatic"He said that there will be "ruled again a ruined Argentina with an impoverished people".

"The governing coalition must be much broader than the one that wins the elections"stressed the former president, who stressed that "Leaders must put their ambitions aside."

Cristina Kirchner asked "to represent the national interest with commitment" and stressed: "It's not a matter of going back or repeating what we did between 2003 and 2015."

"The world is different and the country is different", said Cristina Kirchner, who proposed to give "new answer to new challenges".


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