With a train that is not Argentinian, the government launched the campaign of false news


In the last few hours, the video of a train of many wagons that crisscross the mountains began to circulate on social networks, specifically explains the audio-visual "Salta to the Port of Santa Fe". However, the Reverso collaborative project proved that this was "false news", because the video that the government decided to broadcast as its own achievement, was rather rewarded by the honors of Gavin Newsom, governor of California, United States.

Train from Salta to SantA Fe, 200 vagons! It takes 3 days! Moyano, who exploits haha pic.twitter.com/9nL2nYEMNu

– Susi (@ adsusana1) May 26, 2019

Reverso is an unpublished project aimed at verifying information circulating on social networks and made up of a group of more than 60 media outlets seeking to prevent false news from becoming viral, confusing and amenable to media operations. , especially in the electoral context. . INFOCIELO.COM and FM CIELO 103.5 have joined AFP Factual and have verified this with Infobae, Clarín, La Nación and 60 other media in an unpublished collaboration project in Argentina to intensify the fight against the false news of the verification of the 39; information.

Thus, according to Reverso, the video of the train in question was shared by at least 13 users on Facebook, whose publications contain more than 8,000 shares and more than 162,000 reproductions. Misinformation has also circulated on Twitter, where it has been retweeted nearly 4,000 times.

At the time of finding the origin of the images, it was found that the train that can be observed actually circulated in California, in the United States, and not between the provinces of Salta and Santa Fe, as indicated by the viral messages.

In addition, as explained by Reverso, the railway construction shown in the images, in which the railway crosses a tunnel and then bypbades a hill, is known as the "Tehachapi loop" and belongs to a part of the Network of Pacific Railroad Union Companies.

This stretch of trails in California was built between 1874 and 1876 and is still used. In the square is a plaque with the history of the loop of Tehachapi in which it is read that the construction is "one of the seven wonders of the world of railways" and that it was considered a point of historical landmark of American Civil Engineering by the Society American Civil Engineers.

It should be noted that in some of the publications that have been shared, the following text reads: "It is the train that goes down from Salta to the port of Santa Fe. After several years, it equates to 150 trucks, it takes 3 days, it carries 100 wagons, They call it the beast and it takes 6,000 tons of grain, before there are only 30 cars and it takes 10 days, all this progress was made by the Minister Dietrich . "

Which is related to a real event, although the viral images do not match.


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