With attention focused on Nicaragua and Cuba, Latin American political leaders meet in Miami against “attacks on democracies”


Miami Mayor Francis Suárez announced the summit and spoke about the "Crimes against humanity" committed by the dictatorships of Cuba and Nicaragua (EFE)
Miami Mayor Francis Suárez announced the summit and spoke of “crimes against humanity” committed by dictatorships in Cuba and Nicaragua (EFE)

the Miami City Hall at Florida will present next Saturday the conference “Review of Cuba’s criminal regime“Where the”crimes against humanity perpetrated by the regimes of Cuba and Nicaragua“In the current context of Latin America, with the help of congressmen from the region.

It was announced this Thursday Francois Suarez, Mayor of Miami, during a press conference with members of the Latin American Congress who are members of the Hemispherical front for freedom, who joins during the event to the International Commission for Justice Cuba, “Inspector of crimes against humanity of Castrism”.

The head of the serpent in our hemisphere is Cuba, and we can God willingly face this serpent and defeat it, because what the people of our countries are suffering from is due to an ideology that is the worst fraud ever perpetrated in the world. humanity.“, he underlined Suárez when announcing the event.

Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega, in an archive photograph (EFE)
Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega, in an archive photograph (EFE)

The conference will feature several political figures from the continent, such as the Costa Rican MP Dragos Dolanescu, who is also party chairman Costa Rica Fair and secretary general of the Hemispherical front for freedom. They are also joining the event Ricardo godoy, deputy of El Salvador Legislative Assembly for the Arena Party; the member of the Dominican congress Elie Wessin, of Quisqueyano Christian Democratic Party; the lawyer René Bolio, president of the Mexican Commission on Human Rights and some International Commission for Justice Cuba, e Hipólito Ramírez, president of the Dominican Democratic Council.

There is a serious problem in Latin America, where totalitarian communist regimes are supporting change towards evil in many of our countries, they are attacking our freedom and democracy by any means possible.“said the Mexican Bolio. “So if they do it in an organized and concerted manner, we have to respond by telling the truth and exposing what is going on.“He added.

The president of the Cuban dictatorship, Miguel Díaz-Canel and the dictator Raúl Castro during a session of the Cuban Communist Party (Reuters)
The president of the Cuban dictatorship, Miguel Díaz-Canel and the dictator Raúl Castro during a session of the Cuban Communist Party (Reuters)

The president of Justice Cuba argued that the conference “will address this Saturday a very interesting subject, that of the terrible massacre that occurred in Angola at the hands of Castro’s soldiers”. Dolanescu he said that “In the Congress of Costa Rica, out of 57 deputies, 40 of us approved a motion of repudiation of the regime of Daniel Ortega and we immediately demand the release of (the journalist and possible candidate for the Nicaraguan general elections) Ms. Cristiana Chamorro”.

Indeed, what is happening in Nicaragua is unheard of, what the Ortega-Murillo regime is doing is unheard of.», He remarked. Miami Councilor Joe carollo noted that “So far, the Biden administration has stood firm against Cuba, but there is still a long way to go as we are just seeing the results of leaving it as it is and taking sanctions. Sanctions will not be the solution“, He added.

Orlando gutierrez, head of the organization in exile Cuban Democratic Directory, he assured that “Saturday’s meeting aims to unify efforts to condemn the crackdown in Cuba and give hope for change to the Cuban people”. “We have congressmen from about 15 Latin American countries to save America“, a point Gutierrez. the Hemispherical front for freedom was created last March in a virtual meeting and is made up of politicians, various NGOs, former diplomats and academics from 15 countries in Latin America.

(With information from EFE) .-


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