With businessmen, Mauricio Macri goes in search of investments in India and Vietnam – 03/02/2019


In two weeks, Mauricio Macri will begin the tour which, in the government, will be the most important of his career during the election year. Although in recent days there have been several twists, and still the the route is open, to be able to add a destination at the last minute, the president will travel to India, the second most populous country in the world, to the growing economy; and Vietnam; in search of securing investments and improving the commercial balance.

Macri will comply with Minister Narendra Modi's invitation for the second time at the G20 and He will arrive in New Delhi on February 16th. after a long journey: despite warnings from the Ministry of Security, will leave in a flight line to Dubai and you will board aboard a private plane that the government has hired to be able to fulfill all the commitments, in a limited agenda that it has established in 4 days.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The president will travel with the first lady, Juliana Awada, and a small group of officials: the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo for the moment; the presidential spokesman, Ivan Pavlovsky; and the secretary of the agri-food sector, Luis Miguel Etchevehere. Nicolás Dujovne could also join, although close to the Minister of Finance, they claim that he has not yet defined it. Meanwhile, Chancellor Jorge Faurie will join the direct delegation to New Delhi, after a stopover in Poland, where Argentina and other countries will badyze the steps to take in the face of the crisis in Venezuela.

The official activity in the Indian capital will begin Monday, February 18th. Macri will be hosted by Modi, meet CEOs of the country's leading companies and close a professional forum. A day later, the head of state will land in Mumbai, a populated city. The stay will be shorter, only a few hours. But before leaving for Vietnam, where will be the 20 and 21, will attend a seminar with Argentine businessmen.

Although in India and Vietnam, Macri bet on the sale of food, during its pbadage through New Delhi and Mumbai, the range of activities will be wider.

Indeed, with the confirmation of Macri 's trip, the secretary for international economic relations, Horacio Reyser, launched a few weeks ago the call to the representatives of laboratories and companies of the sector of. agribusiness, biotechnology, energy and mining, with the aim of facilitating meetings with the authorities. and entrepreneurs from India. Although the registration deadline ends next Monday, the government is already waiting for the meetings with confidence and hopes that they will result in concrete announcements.

In India, the government is seeking to increase the sale of soybean oil, cereals and foods. And explore new agreements, such as the one that was concluded across the INVAP, the state-owned high-tech company, for the construction in Bombay of a radioisotope production plant for nuclear medicine studies.

Casa Rosada knows that the knot could revolve around the pharmaceutical development promoted by Modi. While India plans to place its generic drugs at low cost, the government is not considering making concessions given the impact that this can have on local industry.

With regard to the trip to Vietnam, the government intends to have the Minister of Foreign Affairs, along with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, conclude the promise to buy more food than he can. transmitted to Faurie last year, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the past few hours, Casa Rosada has also anticipated the possibility that US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will hold a summit in Vietnam that could take place, according to the registries. "end of February" Although, a priori, Macri's movements will not vary, who ruled out going through Saudi Arabia and is still evaluating whether on February 21 he's making a Scale a few hours across Singapore, whose "brother of life", Nicolás Caputo is honorary consul.


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