With closed markets, the government uses ANSES and incurs a debt of nearly 900 million US dollars.


The government has issued two Treasury letters, in pesos and dollars, for a total of about 898 million USD to be placed in the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS) of the National Social Security Administration (Handles), was reported Monday in the Official Journal.

The title in local currency will be subscribed for 35 000 million pesos (about 623 million dollars), while the other issue it will be up to $ 275 million, according to the joint publication of the Ministry of Finance and Finance.

ANSES sources indicated that it was not a renewal of the debt; the investment would expand the bond portfolio already held by the FGS at a time when the government does not have access to market financing and announced the repayment of payments in US dollars. Short-term securities.

Among their characteristics, the two securities have an issue date and a subscription date as of September 13, 2019; a period of 182 days, full amortization at maturity, will not be badignable or traded on local and international markets.

On the other hand, the pesos letter will bear interest at the Badlar rate for public banks plus 500 basis points, while the foreign currency security will have an interest rate of "zero coupon – a discount-".


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