With "G" or with "J" ?: The sexual response of RAE who exploited social networks


A Twitter user consulted the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) about a grammatical doubt two-way and the response of the institution has provoked a fury in the networks.

"The following is a very common question among us, Twitter users." We would like to know if "I invite you to my home to see Netflix" it is written with G or with J. Of course, thank you very much ", wrote the user @LuciooFerreyra to the service of resolution of the doubts that the organization offers under the name" RAE Informs ".

On the part of the RAE, they have no qualms about interpreting the message between the lines and they sent a masterful answer: "In any of his senses, the verb "catch" they are written with "g" the way the sound [j] go before "e", "i": catch, take; and with "j" the way this sound goes before "a", "or": lame, let's take ".

#RAEconsults In any of his senses, in the verb "catch", they are written with "g" the way the sound [j] go before "e", "i": catch, take; and with "j" the ways in which this sound goes before "a", "or": lame, let's take.

– RAE (@RAEinforma) February 12, 2019

This is the second time this week that an answer from the body that governs the Spanish language has revolutionized social networks. Recently, a fan also wrote to him on Twitter to "have a doubt" and enter the chicaneó, the rival of life.

"I would like to know if the phrase"And the third goes and the third goes and the third goes and the purpose of River and River's goal would not be better separated by commas, that is to say: "And go the third party, go the third, go the third, River goal" and purpose of River & # 39; ", viewed

#RAEconsults Indeed, between each repeated sentence must be written a comma: "And the third goes, and goes the third, and goes the third, and the purpose of the river, and the purpose of the river."

– RAE (@RAEinforma) February 6, 2019

The RAE responded to the "grammatical doubt," which generated madness among River fans and rage among Boca's: "Indeed, between each repetitive phrase must be written by comma: "And the third goes, and goes the third, and goes the third, and the purpose of the river, and the purpose of the river.


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