With grinders, they emptied a safe to take $ 800,000 – 07/10/2018


The level of damage, regardless of the significant amount of money that has been taken from the Warehouse Center, self-service and retailers in Córdoba, still surprises researchers and victims alike. Alarms and telephone wires ripped off, security cameras destroyed, broken computer equipment in the systems area.

The coup d'etat was recorded between Sunday evening and Monday morning. The badailants took advantage of the fact that there was a party in the next room . Thus, the noise and movement of people did not make anyone suspect

  The Warehouse Center of Córdoba, where the robbery had occurred

The Warehouse Center of Córdoba, where the robbery was.

Lima 379 street, in the heart of the city of Cordoba. According to police sources quoted by the newspaper La Voz del Interior they used grinders and various tools to break a Pago Fácil safe, cancel the alarms and damage the internal security cameras.

] According to first estimates, they acted in full knowledge of the place and escaped with at least 800 thousand pesos

  Damages after burglary in the warehouse center of Córdoba. Twitter photo @JavierSbadi

The damage after the robbery in the warehouse center of Cordoba. Twitter photo @JavierSbadi

In statements on the radio Chain 3 Vanesa Ruiz, general manager of the center, said: "We have never imagined the observed magnitude and especially the l? aggression with which it has been This is not a job that a single person does. "

He also said that May Day had already suffered a strange incident." We cut the neutral of the light box, he entered more energy and burned the telephone exchanges, the alarms, computers, it was not possible, it was deliberate, we had damage and we were just trying to recover, insurance was working on this episode. "19659002] Ruiz said he was struck by the "violence" and "wickedness" with which thieves acted. "Barrels were found, discs for shredders thrown on the ground," he said.

  Damages after burglary at Center Almaceneros of Córdoba Photo Twitter @JavierSbadi

Damage after theft in the warehouse center of Córdoba Photo @JavierSbadi @JavierSbadi

"This is unintelligible and inexplicable. It is a moral as well as an economic coup summed up the director, who said that the Minister of Security, Carlos Mbadei, had communicated with them.

" It's as if a hurricane had pbaded There is damage everywhere, no need to break so much, and what is not broken is thrown away, "said Víctor Marconetti, President of the Almacenes Center, a hundred-year-old civil organization that brings together the merchants of the Cordovan capital.

Thefts in the commercial premises have been repeated on weekends and public holidays if it is not possible It is therefore not excluded that the same group acts.

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