With live practices, meditation and dancing, thousands of people celebrated Yoga Day in Argentina


Musicals, live practices, meditation and dancing were part of the great Yoga Day celebration of the Embassy of India in Argentina.
Musicals, live practices, meditation and dancing were part of the great Yoga Day celebration of the Embassy of India in Argentina.

This Sunday and from 9 o’clock in the morning, the big party that closed the week of festivities of the International Yoga Day, organized by the Indian Embassy in Argentina, and which included more than 3 hours of fascinating activities. The program included the participation of famous argentinian artists, major exponents and institutions of yoga in the country, and had the special direction of Soledad Silveyra.

The event had musical performances, the first by the singer Virginie de Cunha, Argentinian composer and actress who was a member of the musical group Bandana, singer of Virgin Pancakes and since 2011 singer and singer of the power pop group V. Different school groups, inspired by Yoga, also gave a dance performance.

The event featured this Sunday with over 3 hours of fascinating activities
The event featured this Sunday with over 3 hours of fascinating activities

In a first interaction with celebrities, Eleonora Wexler, Thelma Fardin, Queen reech, Fabien Vena Yes Paula morals honored this ancient discipline.

the Ayurveda – traditional medicine from India – was the main protagonist of the first conference of the day, “Yoga and Ayurveda”, Moderated by Jorge Luis Berra and attended by Fabián Cialotti, Lucy Maggio, Florencia D ‘Antonio, Eva Henderson and María Avcharian from Uruguay.

Soledad "Usual" Silveyra was the presenter
Soledad “Solita” Silveyra was the presenter

In this sense, the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) of the Indian government, established by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi foster alternative health systems that complement Western medicine Recommended preventive health guidelines for personal care and strengthening the immune system with particular attention to respiratory health, which are supported by Ayurvedic literature and various scientific publications.

Meditation was one of the great protagonists of the day
Meditation was one of the great protagonists of the day

For the director of the Ayurveda Prema Health Foundation, Dr Jorge Berra, “Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medical system recognized by the World Health Organization. Faced with illnesses, she has a global approach to body-mind balance, favoring natural care based on food and the rational and scientific use of local medicinal plants.

To improve immunity, for example, she recommends consuming basil, cinnamon, black pepper, dried ginger, and raisin tea – once or twice a day. He also advises drinking golden milk once or twice a day, prepared with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in 150 ml of warm milk.

Typical Indian dances dazzled the thousands of participants who joined the live broadcast of the last day of celebrations
Typical Indian dances dazzled the thousands of participants who joined the live broadcast of the last day of celebrations

In another of the musical shows offered, Florencia Cipriota and Miguel Brea dazzled by a performance conceived from the Art of Living. According to Cipriota, yoga teacher, “For over 35 years, The Art of Living has been disseminating the benefits of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques in 155 countries, where these techniques allow individual potential to flourish, increase the sense of belonging between individuals and communities creating a global family and a society free from violence ”.

The cycle included two important lectures on Ayurveda and Sanskrit
The cycle included two important lectures on Ayurveda and Sanskrit

Marguerite Mai Queen, Olmi boy, Virginie de Cunha, Pablo Alarcon Yes Barbie simons They sent their videos to celebrate Yoga. Sahaja and Kirtan by Gea y Sabia they were in charge of closing the day with typical musical performances.

The second and final speech of the event was “Sanskrit in yoga and meditation», Moderated by Gustavo Canzobre, and attended by Kamal, Gustavo Martín, Gabriela Muller (UBA) and Killeshwar Verma (CUI).

Indian Ambassador to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Dinesh Bhatia, with the presenter of the day Soledad Silveyra and Jorgito Ameal
Indian Ambassador to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Dinesh Bhatia, with the presenter of the day Soledad Silveyra and Jorgito Ameal

The great fence was in charge of Jorgito Ameal, son of Boca Juniors Athletic Club president Jorge Ameal, who owns a yoga school, has been practicing this discipline for years and de La Bombonera gave a practice of more than 10 minutes with four of his students, as part of this important celebration of the International Day of Yoga.

During the celebrations from June 12 to 19, online yoga, meditation, mantra and lecture practices were broadcast by the 34 top yoga institutions in the country. Each class’s transmission was live and can be seen again on www.diadelyoga.com.ar, where you can see the name and type of activity, the days and times, and the institution that taught each class.

The event featured live yoga demonstrations and thousands of views on the Yoga Day website.
The event featured live yoga demonstrations and thousands of views on the Yoga Day website.

In exclusive dialogue with Infobae, the Indian Ambassador to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Dinesh Bhatia, a point: “This whole program was made by Argentines, the embassy only provided a platform to celebrate this day, but the participants are all Argentines, it is a very large and important community that celebrates Yoga, it gives me great joy and makes me very happy ”.

The big fence was in charge of Jorgito Ameal
The big fence was in charge of Jorgito Ameal

“Since 2014, India has asked the United Nations (UN) to declare June 21 International Yoga Day, which is the longest in the northern hemisphere of the world and the shortest in the southern part, like here in Argentina. . This is how it was established, and Since 2015 we have been celebrating this important day every year and in all countries, large and small towns that celebrate Yoga.This is the seventh edition and this time we are celebrating this Sunday since the 21st is Monday, ”said the ambassador.

In Argentina, if we speak of yoga practitioners, the country has the maximum number of people per capita who follow this ancestral discipline.. Every corner, not only in Buenos Aires, but also in every province, every city, every corner has a school of yoga. There are even many teachers who have gone to India to learn it, many have learned it here in Argentina and they always accompany us to celebrate, we are very happy, ”said Bhatia.

La Bombonera set the stage for a Yoga practice lasting over 10 minutes
La Bombonera set the stage for a Yoga practice lasting over 10 minutes

According to what the ambassador explained, “yoga means add, add, it comes from the Sanskrit language, the oldest language in the world. This word means to add body, soul and spirit, to get a better life, a healthier life. It’s not just physical exercise, it’s more. You meditate and a symbiosis of body, mind and soul is achieved”. On the other hand, “this person adds to his God all that he venerates or believes”.

Photos: Embassy of India in Argentina


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