With Macri, the salary of Argentina, who was the best in the region, fell at the bottom of the rankings.


The economic program that the president has applied Mauricio Macri generated that in less than four years, the wage measured in dollars fell by 60%. Thus, Argentina has moved from the first rank on a South American scale to a much worse relegation.

According to the Public Policy Observatory of the National University of Avellaneda (UNDAV), Argentina has gone from holding a minimum wage to 589 USD in November 2015 to 221 USD in August. The figure is only exceeded by Venezuela, where the income is only three dollars.


Crisis: The activity has dropped again and reached 2.6% in 2019

"The rest of the region had a minimum wage revaluation performance, the average change over the period was 6.4%. However, isolating the Argentine and Venezuelan cases, the increase was about 22%, "says the report. More specifically, the decline in the minimum wage, measured in US currency, was exactly 61.9% in less than four years.

In this sense, the document underlined that "the situation begins to change radically from December 2015 but especially in 2018 with a devaluation of 120% and adding of course that of last week (23%)". Between last December and 2019, the minimum wage decreased by 26%.


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