With Macri, wages of Argentina and Venezuelans collapsed


Product of the economic crisis generated by Cambiemos, Argentina has gone from the best minimum wage in the region to seventh position. The collapse of the past three and a half years has generated nearly $ 270.

The Public Policy Observatory of the National University of Avellaneda (UNDAV) indicated that the minimum wage, vital and mobile, Current 580 USD to 271 USD. The fall was about 53%.

In this sense, the document showed that the minimum wage was buying less and less bread (-78 kg), milk (-150 liters), rice (-154 kg), cheese (-19 kg), eggs (-86 dozen). ), meat (-30 kg), chicken (-70 kg) and water (-173 liters).

Between December 2015 and May 2019, Argentina became jointly with Venezuela in only two countries in the region whose minimum wage has lost purchasing power for all the essential foods badyzed.


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