With more than 3,000 dead in one day, coronavirus overwhelms Brazil and they fear for neighboring countries – economic, financial and trade news


“Unfortunately, the The terrible situation in Brazil also affects neighboring countries“said today the regional director of the Pan American Health Organization, Carissa Etienne. He warned that the coronavirus continues to increase “dangerously” in this country and He urged all Brazilians to take preventive measures to end it.

A little after, Brazil breaks all records for previous deaths by Covid-19 in a single day: 3158, figure similar to those killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. Monday only Saint Paul breaks his own record with 1,021 dead.

And in the past 24 hours, another 84,996 infected people have been reported in Brazil. From the start of the pandemic until today, Brazil regrets 298,843 deaths and 12,136,615 infected coronavirus.

Justice stops Bolsonaro

For his part, the judge of the Supreme Court of Brazil, Marco Aurlio Mello, rejected the request of President Jair Bolsonaro to annul the decrees approved by federal district governments, Baha and Rio Grande do Sul impose isolation measures to contain the virus.

The Rio Grande del Sur borders Uruguay to the south and west with the Uruguay River separating it from Argentina.

Bolsonaro is under increasing pressure to change his approach to the crisis the country is going through due to the coroanvirus, after downplaying it, opposing preventive measures, casting doubt on vaccines and fighting against measures to shut down states and cities, which according to him they are detrimental to employment.

Fourth Minister in the event of a pandemic

Bolsonaro also took the oath of his fourth health minister on Tuesday since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, his health system practically overwhelmed.

Cardiologist Marcelo Queiroga, appointed by the president on March 15, replaces Eduardo Pazuello, an active-duty army general who oversaw most of the pandemic response in Brazil.


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