With quotes from Joe Biden, Cristina Kirchner defended th …


Cristina Fernández de Kirchner posted this Monday a long discussion thread on his Twitter account in which he reviewed and celebrated some points of the speech that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, had given before both houses of Congress during the hundred days of his government. Without needing to express it verbatim, the on two occasions the president drew a parallel between a Biden tax initiative and the extraordinary contribution of the wealthy, while highlighting the billionaire investment in infrastructure to create jobs announced by the US president.

Life surprises you. I just read Joe Biden’s speech to the US Congress, reporting on the State of the Union», Wrote the vice-president to launch a series of tweets in which she shared the most striking passages of the presentation of the North American president.

“Good guys and women on Wall Street, but Wall Street didn’t build this country. The middle class built the country and the unions built the middle class. This is why I am asking Congress to approve the law to protect the right to organize (…) ”, Kirchner pointed out, writing – with a touch pop– “¡PLOP!”.

Then, he focused on the economic strategy proposed by Biden, in particular on the American plan for employment. In this sense, he quoted some of Biden’s statements to Congress: “I proposed the American employment plan, a one-time investment in a generation in the United States itself. It is the largest working plane since World War II. The president of the Senate pointed out about Biden’s speech.

And he added new quotes: “Creating jobs to improve our transportation infrastructure; jobs to modernize our roads, bridges, highways; construction jobs for ports and airports, rail corridors, rail lines. public transport.” “The US Jobs Plan creates jobs that replace 100 percent of lead pipes and utility lines across the country so all Americans can drink clean water.”

After reviewing the most important points of Biden’s ambitious plan, which focuses on further expanding the welfare state and protecting the battered middle class, The vice president focused on the tax policy devised by the US president, adding, “I could go on highlighting the American Rescue Plan or the American Family Plan, but I’m interested in how Biden plans to fund everything. that. The texts follow: “

“So how do we pay for my jobs and my family project? (…) It is time for American companies and the richest 1% of Americans to start paying their fair share. Only his fair share. “, The president transcribed and celebrated the initiative with a” PLOP X 2 “.

“We will reform corporate taxes so that they pay their fair share and help pay for public investments that their businesses will also benefit from,” Biden said. And CFK added in his thread a new quote from the US president: “We will close the loopholes that allow Americans to earn more than a million dollars a year and pay a lower tax rate on their capital gains. . paycheck. “

“My fellow citizens, the trickle down economy has never worked and it is time to grow the economy from the bottom up and from the center out.” With this statement, which refers to a clear theory of neoliberal policies, Kirchner closed allusive quotes to Biden’s speech and added one final thought. “Why did Biden say all this? He also explains it verbatim: the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war. ” “What, right? And that the IMF did not finance Trump’s campaign,” concluded the Argentine vice president.

Biden’s full speech

The complete thread of Cristina Kirchner


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