With sons and daughters non | Asked to support Cr …


In the edition of Page12 Today, more than fifty cultural personalities, politicians and activists have signed a petition entitled "With children and not girls" in order to show solidarity with the former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her daughter Florencia. The text – signed by former presidents such as Lula da Silva, Rafael Correa, Fernando Lugo, the secretary general of the Spanish party Podemos Pablo Iglesias, the deputy and former candidate for the French presidency Jean Luc Mélenchon, l & # 39; African-American actor and activist Danny Glover, among more- denounces the persecution against the current senator's daughter. "Those of us who make the decision to respect political commitment know that this entails huge personal costs, but our sons and daughters, those of us who devote ourselves in a way or 'another to be exposed publicly, did not choose that and should be exempted from any persecution maneuver, "says the document.

The mentioned application refers to the "fierce persecution" of the judiciary and the media to which, according to the former president, his daughter is subjected. For this issue, CFK published a video three weeks ago on its social networks in which she explained that her daughter had traveled to Cuba to deal with health problems that would have been aggravated by the media and judicial harbadment suffered. by the young woman. "I ask those who hate us or see us as enemies that please me, but not with her," said the former president in this video, which also stated that even if the intermediate judges had been asked for the question of Florence's health was treated with reserve, the news of the departure of the country was relayed by the federal courts of Comodoro Py.

The request

With non children

Political, media and judicial persecution has become a constant in Latin America. These practices weaken democracies and seek to impose political discipline on all those who favored the beginning of transformations with the birth of the century. Those of us who make the decision to respect political commitment know that this involves huge personal costs.

But our sons and daughters, those of us who devote ourselves in one way or another to being publicly exposed, have not chosen it and must be exempted from any maneuver. of persecution. The headquarters of Florencia Kirchner is an example of these practices that we denounce and that we can not ignore. That's why we affirm: with sons and daughters no.


Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize, Argentina), Lula da Silva (former President, Brazil), Rafael Correa (former President, Ecuador), Dilma Rousseff (former President of Brazil), Ernesto Samper (ex-Gral UNASUR – Former President, Colombia), Fernando Lugo (Former President – National Senator of Paraguay), José Manuel Zelaya Rosales (Former President, Honduras), Adriana Salvatierra Arriaza (President of the Senate, Plurinational State of Bolivia), Ivonne Pbadada (Senator Nacional, Uruguay), Pablo Iglesias (Secretary Gral De Podemos, Spain), Daniel Caggiani (President of Parlasur, National Deputy, Uruguay), Gerardo Fernández Noroña (National Deputy, Mexico), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (National Deputy, President) de France Insumisa, France), Cristina Cornejo (National Deputy of El Salvador), Danny Glover (Actor, Activist, United States), Gleisi Hoffmann (National Senator, President of the Workers Party of Brazil), Gerardo Pisarello ( Vice Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Spain), Gabriela Mo ntaño Viaña (Minister of Health of the Plurinational State of Bolivia), Constanza Moreira (National Senator of Uruguay), Humberto Costa (National Senator, Leader of the Party Bloc of Brazilian workers), Paulo Pimenta deputy, leader of the Workers' Party bloc, Brazil), Juan Carlos Monedero (co-founder of Podemos, Spain), Esperanza Martínez (national senator, Paraguay), Federico Mayor Zaragoza (former director general of the UNESCO, President of the Culture of Peace Foundation, Spain), Celso Amorim (former Chancellor of Brazil), Nilto Tatto (National Deputy of Brazil) Baltasar Garzón (Spanish lawyer), Rogério Correa (National Deputy of Brazil), Xiomara Castro de Zelaya (former presidential candidate of Honduras), Marília Arraes (National Deputy, Brazil), Carlos Filizzola (national senator, Paraguay), Tarso Genro (former governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Sixto Pereira (senate national, Paraguay), Jorge Solla (national deputy, Brazil), Marco EnríquezOminami (Ci neasta – former presidential candidate, Chile), Javier Couso (MEP, Spain), Hugo Richer (national senator, Paraguay), Margarida Salomão (National Member of Parliament, Brazil), Pablo Gentili (Chief of Staff of Pablo Iglesias, Podemos, Spain), Jorge Querey (National Senator, Paraguay), Paulão (National Member of Parliament, Brazil), Alejandro Navarro (National Senator, Former Candidate for the Presidency of Chile), José Guimarães (national deputy of Brazil), Leonardo Rubín (journalist – former candidate for vice presidency (Paraguay), Alencar Santana (national deputy, Brazil), Ricardo Salgado (writer, free driving party, Honduras) , James Early (Institute of Political Studies of Washington, United States), Patricia Isabel Rodas (former Chancellor of Honduras), Guillermo Tellier (President of the Communist Party, National Deputy, Chile), Assis Carvalho (Deputy National, Brazil), Rixi Moncada Godoy (former Minister of Energy, Secretary General, Private Individual, Honduras), Camilo Lagos (President of the Progressive Party, Chile), Pari o Faro (National Deputy, Brazil), Lindbergh Farias (former senator, Brazil), Fátima Cleide (former national senator, Brazil), Silvia Margot Sosa (journalist, Honduras), Luiz Fernando Mainardi (PT State deputy in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).


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