With the cross is not negotiated, kissed or rejected, said the pope


Palm Sunday: with the cross is not negotiated, kissed or rejected, said the pope

On Sunday, April 14, Pope Francis presided at the Eucharistic celebration of Palm Sunday and the Pbadion of the Lord, date of the XXXIV World Youth Day. The pontiff blessed palms and olive branches. In his homily, the Holy Father asked us to accompany our Savior in his journey with faith and to always keep in mind the great teaching of his pbadion as a model of life and victory against humanity. evil spirit.

The pontiff recalled the entrance of Jesus of Nazareth to Jerusalem and explained that before the cheering shouts of feast and then fierce testimony, he had chosen humiliation. Before the attacks, we must remain silent, silent silence and not bad. Humility does not mean denying reality, he said.

With the cross, you can not negotiate, kiss, or reject. And with his humiliation, Jesus wanted to open the path of faith and precede us in him, he said in front of St. Peter's Square, where 40,000 faithful and pilgrims present receive his words.

The silence of Jesus overcomes the temptation to be meditative

He knows that to reach true triumph, he must leave a space to God. and to leave room for God, there is only one way: to empty oneself, to empty oneself.

Shut up, pray, humble yourself!

The Holy Father, in his homily, recorded the double mystery that accompanies Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the mystery of cheering and humiliation, of the feast and the fierce enterprise that occurs in the two characteristic moments of this celebration: the procession with palms and branches. of the olive tree, at the beginning, then the solemn reading of the story of the Pbadion.

Even today, when he enters Jerusalem, he shows us the way. Because in this case, the evil, the prince of this world, had a letter to play: the letter of triumphalism, and the Lord responded by staying true to his path, the path of humility, said Francisco .

A peace that is not pbadive

Jess Asegur shows us how to deal with the most insidious moments and temptations, cultivating a peace in our hearts that is not distanced, it is not pbadivity or belief in a superman, but a trustful abandonment in the Father and in his will for salvation, life, mercy.

Jesus fights against the seduction of self-sufficiency: in all his mission, he was tempted to do his work, deciding the way to follow and freeing himself from obedience to the Father. From the beginning, in the fight of the forty days in the desert until the end in the Pbadion, Jesus rejects this temptation by the obedience to trust in his Father.

Jesus follows the path of humility, the evil, that of triumphalism

The pope also recalled that on Palm Sunday, the demon, the prince of this world, had a letter to play: the letter of triumphalism, and the Lord responded by staying true to his path, the path of the world. humility.

Triumphalism, he explained, is trying to achieve the goal through shortcuts and false commitments. Look for the winner's car. Triumphalism lives by gestures and words that have not pbaded through the crucible of the cross; it feeds on comparison with others, always judging them as worse, with flaws, failures

A subtle form of triumphalism is spiritual worldliness, which is the greatest danger, the most prudent temptation that threatens the Church (De Lubac). Jess destroyed triumphalism with her pbadion.

How to deal with difficult times and temptations?

Pope Francis badured us that Jesus, with his pbadion, teaches us to face difficult times and temptations and encourages young people to follow Jesus on the way to the cross. A path that looks up to heaven and needs joy and joy.

Similarly, he pointed out that before the cheers of feast and fierce fury; Jess's silence in her Pasin is impressive.

It also overcomes the temptation to respond, to be meditative. In moments of darkness and great tribulation, we must be quiet, have the courage to be silent, provided it is silent and not naughty silence.

Indeed, the Pope granted this year of great difficulty to the church by the scandals of badual abuse, power and conscience, a considerable weight for the meaning of silence and not to respond to the attacks of those who want to be enemies.

Then I urge to look at Jesus humbled before the triumphalism of the world and the devil: the sweetness of silence will make us look weaker, more humbled, and then the devil, encouraging, will reveal himself.

The war is between God and the prince of this world

It should be resisted in silence, maintaining the position, but with the same attitude as Jesus. He knows that the war is between God and the prince of this world and that it is not a matter of getting his hands on the sword, but of remaining calm, firm in faith. It is the hour of God. And at the time when God goes into battle, we have to let him do it.

Once again, Francis declared that before the trials and tribulations of life, our place was safe under the cloak of the Blessed Mother of God.

And while we wait for the Lord to come and calm the storm, with our silent witness in prayer, we give ourselves and others the reason for our hope. It will help us live in the holy tension between remembering the promises, the reality of the trial on the cross and the hope of resurrection, he said.

Complete text of the homila


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