With the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, opened the official program of Macri


Mauricio Macri began his state visit to India today in New Delhi; on the photo, next to President Ram Nath Kovin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi Credit: Twitter @the_hindu

NEW DELHI.- (On the part of a special envoy) .- The presence of Argentina is visible in the streets of the city, flooded with mini-cars pulled by people led by traffic jam experts where they also converge in a kind of controlled chaos, motorcycles, cows, cars, buses, pedestrians and bicycles.

The national flag flames in many of the national monuments,

as at the India Gate, the monumental arch built in 1921 to commemorate Indian soldiers who died in the First World War and the Afghan wars in 1919.

In a special year, in the perspective of the electoral campaign with which he will represent himself,

President Mauricio Macri

He will take a break today to free himself from the daily problems he faces in Argentina during a day full of official meetings and meetings with businessmen.

The state visit

started when Macri and the first lady

Juliana Awada

They were received by President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Presidential Palace Rashtrapati Bhavan.

After the official reception, Macri and Modi led the ceremony during which they laid a wreath in the honor of Mahatma Gandhi, in the royal court (Raj Ghat), the memorial that was built in the honor of the Hindu ruler. Faithful to its style, simplicity and cleanliness, Gandhi Mausoleum perfectly reflects its essence. This is a simple black marble plaque that marks the place where she was cremated on January 31, 1948.

At this moment, the Head of State meets Modi – it is the fourth meeting between the two leaders – in the building used by the Indian Prime Minister for celebrations and meetings with foreign dignitaries. They go to lunch together.

In the afternoon, Macri will hold meetings with leaders of major Indian companies and will participate in business forums bringing together entrepreneurs from both countries. At 7:30 pm, President Kovind will receive Macri at Rashtrapati Bhavan Palace. The government wants this to be the necessary impetus for the relationship to develop. The fact is that although the trade balance with India has a surplus for Argentina, it does not exceed $ 3 billion in one of the world's largest markets. Our country represents only 0.2% of the Asian giant's total imports.


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