With the Prince of Denmark, Pampa Energía inaugurated another wind farm – 03/20/2019


Unlike Don Quixote de la Mancha, who pledged against the windmills he imagined as huge bad guys, the government of Cambiemos considers them as one of his main allies in their eagerness to show a sector of the economy that is moving. And if the famous character of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra counted by his side with the faithful Sancho Panza in his crusade, the Macri administration is not alone either. She is accompanied by businessmen who are raising them higher and higher. This is not a fable, although in history there is a prince involved …

Federico, the heir to the throne of Denmark, left his schedule Wednesday with his mother, Queen Margarita II, to go to Bahía Blanca. With the Mindlin brothers, national, provincial and municipal leaders, he inaugurated Pampa Energía 2 wind farm, about 20 kilometers from the city. The complex, with 14 wind turbines, is next to the park of 29 mills authorized by the president last May. "They are the tallest in Latin America and those with the highest turbine power," said Marcelo Mindlin, CEO of Pampa Energía, about the 117-meter-tall units manufactured by the Danish company Vestas in its plant in Campana. Upon arrival at the complex, the prince puts his safety equipment and climbed into the forklift of one of the wind turbines to circulate there about 20 minutes. There, more than $ 70 million has been invested to supply 53 MW to the national grid.

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"Our role is to invest and create jobs and we are always optimistic.If it is more or less fast, the circumstances say it.The important thing is that if there is a problem, we must not give up and continue, "said Mindlin, about the pace of RenovAr plans, with which the government is advancing since 2016 in terms of renewable energy. Clarin He consulted on the impact of the macroeconomic crisis on this process. "Pampa is a company that invests and still does, we are pursuing our investment plan, obviously the macroeconomic situation can make financing a bit more expensive, but when the investor is convinced and the company is committed to developing the energy infrastructure, we can "answer it." He added that if in 3 years "This has gone from 0% to almost 8% of renewable energy, it means we are on the right track".

The employer refused to answer a question about Mauricio Macri's statements regarding corruption cases, his father and the complaints about his participation in the transfer of business hands, particularly in the business sector. 39; energy. "I will not comment on this, we are opening a wind farm in two months and we are investing $ 850 million in gas, natural gas and wind farms." That's what I want to refer to today. ", he said in response. TrIn the hypothesis of Macri, Mindlin acquired the cousin of the president Angelo Calcaterra, from the construction company Iecsa, mentioned in the cause of the notebooks. In the same file, the businessman himself was summoned by Judge Claudio Bonadio.

In the act, Prince Federico was limited to listening to speeches (all in English except that of the bahiense steward) and to the discovery of a reminder plaque. He then commented on the experience inside the factory with local officials. "The wind energy sector is very important to our country and it is comforting to find places in the world where you can also enjoy it," said a representative of the crown who accompanied him. He recalled the beginning of the process ("with teams smaller than those compared") and led the European country to 45% of its renewable energy. "We have a lot to work together and we are proud of the presence of Vestas," added the spokesman.

For this company, one of the world's leading renewable energy companies, Mindlin has termed it a "strategic ally" and said it was essential that the park be built in just 11 month. "The previous complex had a 30% of the national components, against 85% who has this news " stressed the CEO of Pampa Energía, who thanked the member of the Danish crown for his presence at the event. Mayor Hector Gay pointed out that the company was setting up a training center in the Bahía Blanca Industrial Park to train technicians in the field of renewable energies.


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