With their helmet, they perform the first mass after the fire of Notre Dame | Chronic


Notre Dame Cathedral celebrates its first Mbad two months after the fire that destroyed much of the historic building, in front of a small number of 30 people who had to wear a hard hat because there was still risk building administration .

As a sample of the state in which the cathedral stood, up to Monseñor Michel Aupetitwho officiates the mbad wears a white helmet. As explained by the rector of the temple, Patrick Chauvetit is a symbolic service to show that Notre Dame "He is still alive."

I also read: They claim to have seen Jesus in the flames of Notre Dame Cathedral

"Notre Dame de Paris is still in a fragile situation, especially in the safe which has not yet been secured, and can collapse"badured the Minister of Culture, Franck Riester, during an interview this Friday in the chain France 2, in which he also stated that only 9% of pledged donations had been received, ie 80 million euros out of the 850 million pledged, EFE.

The fire occurred on April 15 at the top of the cathedral, located on the banks of the Seine, and the causes of the fire that devoured the mythical needle and much of roof are still unclear although evacuated in time and there were no casualties.

The religious performed Mbad with white helmets.

About 30 people attended helmets at mbad.

Ten people gathered near the cathedral.


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