Withdrawal in the United States: after 16 years, Donald Trump restores the death penalty in federal cases


In this way, the next run will be with a pentobarbital injection and is set for the December 9 in the federal prison of Terre Haute, Indiana.

The Attorney General, William Barr, justified the measure by pleading that "justice would be rendered to the victims of the most horrible crimes". The official communicated the decision to the prison office and asked the owner, Hugh HurwitzWhat? plan the executions of five prisoners sentenced for murder, as well as for crimes of torture and rape of children and the elderly.

"The death penalty is discriminatory against mentally ill defendants and African Americans who can not afford expensive legal representation" (GAvin Newson, Governor of California).

The last federal execution took place in 2003 and today. there are 62 convicted by the government, according to the Information Center on the Death Penalty (DPIC).

"Under the governments of both parties, the Justice Ministry has asked for the death penalty for the worst criminals, including these five murderers, all of whom have been sentenced by a jury at the end of a lawsuit. complete and fair, "Barr said in a statement. public

On the other hand, the Governor of California, Gavin NewsonHe rejected the announcement: "The Trump administration has chosen to join Kim Jong-a from North Korea, King Salman of Saudi Arabia and the government (Vladimir) Putin in the US. execution of their citizens ".

"The intentional killing of another person is a mistake and our death penalty system has been, in all respects, a failure"He warned and recalled that "the death penalty discriminates against mentally ill defendants and African Americans who can not afford costly legal representation".

The sum of the rejections of the death penalty finally pushed 21 of the 50 states of the country to order their abolition, finally New Hampshire. Since 1973, 166 prisoners sentenced to death throughout the country, including five in California, have been released after trial errors were proven.


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