Without international support, Maduro asks the pope to intervene in the Venezuelan crisis


After the recognition of Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the government warned those who admit the leader of the opposition as president "in charge"

The government of Nicolás Maduro is looking for alternatives to stay afloat after losing almost all its legitimacy on the international scene.

On Monday, nineteen countries in the European Union recognized rebel MP Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela, which led Miraflores to a double reaction. On the one hand, he has issued severe warnings to states that do not recognize Maduro; but, at the same time, he asked Pope Francis to intercede to foster a dialogue with the opposition and an exit to the country's political crisis.

The Venezuelan government announced Monday that it would "fully" review relations with European countries that have recognized the Guaidó opposition as interim president, accusing them of supporting "coup plans". 39 "State" of the United States.

The government "will fully examine bilateral relations with these governments from then on, until a rectification cancels its support for coup plans," said the Foreign Ministry in a statement.

Venezuela expressed "the most forceful rejection of the decision of countries such as Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, to which he indicated to" officially "comply with the strategy of the US administration to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro ".

The warning of the Caribbean country was not dangerous.

Nineteen countries of the European Union (EU) today signed a joint declaration of support and recognition addressed to the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela (NA) as "President in charge of Venezuela " with the aim "to call for free, fair and democratic presidential elections".

These are the following countries: Spain, Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Hungary, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden and Croatia.

In the declaration, the 19 countries reported that they had adopted this decision as "Nicolás Maduro chose not to start the electoral process", as requested by the High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security and Vice President of the European Commission in a statement. communicated on behalf of the 28 Member States of the EU.

A "bad" decision

President Nicolás Maduro described as "disastrous" Spain's decision to recognize Mr Guaidó as "president" in charge, a position that was subsequently adopted by other European countries with whom Caracas "will pbad". review "fully its diplomatic relations.

"The loose government of Spain has made a disastrous decision in the history of relations between Spain and Venezuela," said Maduro today at a ceremony with the army in the state of Aragua (north), referring to the recognition of the anti-Chavez leader by different countries. European

"I say to Mr. Pedro Sánchez: God forbid, but if one day the coup d'état were to materialize, if one day a military intervention was to take place, your hands, Mr. Pedro Sánchez, would be full of blood (…), will be stained with blood forever, "he added.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Sanchez announced at a conference that officially recognizes Mr. Guaidó as president in charge and that he will promote within the European Union a plan to provide humanitarian badistance to Venezuela.

With this announcement, Madrid led the team of European nations that, after the eight-day deadline for Maduro to convene the elections, recognized the former leader of the opposition as acting president, pending "free and democratic elections, with guarantees". and without exclusions "as soon as possible.

After being named president of the National Assembly, Guaidó sent a petition to 46 countries to freeze Venezuelan holdings in these territories and appointed ambbadadors in 10 American countries and in front of the Lima group, criticizing the With respect to Maduro.

The recognition of Europe provoked the Chancellor's reaction Chavez, who warned that she would badess how diplomatic relations with these countries will continue.

In a statement from its Foreign Ministry, the Maduro government said that the revision of relations began "from now on" and until it occurs in those countries "a rectification that nullifies its support for the coup d'etat plans and redirects them to absolute respect for institutional law ".

Papal dialogue

Along with his warning, Maduro wrote to Pope Francisco asking for "his best effort, his willingness" to help dialogue in Venezuela, in an interview also broadcast on Monday by the Italian channel SkyTG24.

"I sent a letter to Pope Francisco," Maduro said in this interview filmed in Caracas. In the letter, Maduro declares that "he is at the service of Christ and, in this spirit, I asked him to help us in a process of facilitation, strengthening of the dialogue".

"The Governments of Mexico and Uruguay, all the Governments of the Caribbean, CARICOM and Bolivia, have called for the organization of a conference on dialogue and peace in Venezuela, February 7 "in Montevideo, he added.

"I ask the pope to put all his efforts and his will to help us in this way of dialogue, and we hope to have a positive response," he insisted.

Pope Francis is currently in the United Arab Emirates for an international interreligious meeting. He must return to Rome on Tuesday night.

In the interview, Maduro asked Europe "not to be swept away by the madness of Donald Trump (…) by extremist and interventionist policies seeking a coup in Venezuela from the White House. "

"I say to the whole world: we need solidarity, conscience so that there is no warmongering madness and that they do not transform Venezuela into a new Vietnam", He insists.

In Italy, the Venezuelan crisis provokes strong tensions.

Rome officially recalls that she never acknowledged the election of Maduro and since then claims new presidential elections.

Humanitarian aid

On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $ 53 million (US $ 40 million) in badistance to the Venezuelan population.

Canadian aid is intended to "meet the most urgent needs of Venezuelans on the ground, mainly from more than three million refugees," Trudeau told Ottawa in the opening speech of a meeting of the Lima Group.

"The bulk of these funds will go to reliable partners and neighboring countries to help them support Venezuela and Venezuelans," added the Prime Minister. "Today, the Lima group sends a clear message of support to the Venezuelan people as it traces its own future," he added.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Deputy Director of European Diplomacy Helga Schmid will participate by videoconference in the debates.

Madrid, London, Paris, Berlin and other European capitals on Monday acknowledged the opposition Juan Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela after Nicolás Maduro refused to call a presidential election despite the ultimatum .

Most members of the Lima group, with the exception of Mexico, had already recognized Guaidó last week.

Established in 2017, the Lima group includes Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (which did not recognize Guaidó) , Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Guyana and Saint Lucia.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, personally involved in the crisis, appealed to Guaidó. The two men called for the convening of the presidential election and reaffirmed Maduro's "illegitimacy".

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