Without massive events, they honor the Virgin of Lourdes – Argentina


In honour of Virgin DayOn February 11, this commune of Tucuman has been carrying out religious activities under protocol since Tuesday of last week.

In this regard, Mamaní indicated that this year the popular event will not take place, which attracted more than 35 thousand followers, but that Masses will be held every day of the novena.

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“The main one is the mass that Bishop Carlos Sánchez will preside this Saturday”, underlined the communal chief.

Regarding the cave, Mamaní clarified that it is a replica of the image of the Virgin of Lourdes in France.

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“It was built in the 1980s by a priest from France. It is located at the entrance to the city of Tucuman. 20 years ago activities were carried out for the Virgin, but this year will be different due to the fact of the coronavirus.

Report by Gabriel Melián.


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