Without parliamentary elections in Parlasur | The government …


The government has formalized this year's election calendar by a decree confirming that the OSP will take place on August 11 and the presidential election on Sunday, October 27. He also confirmed that if a second round is necessary, it will take place on November 24th. The detail of the decree is that it has suspended the elections of the 43 parliamentarians of Mercosur of which will reduce the authorized amount for campaign costs.

The decree of President Mauricio Macri is numbered 343 and defines the days of the elections for the national positions such as those of president and vice, but also the 130 seats of the Chamber of Deputies and the 24 seats of the Senate. Contrary to what happened in 2015, Mercosur parliamentarians will not be directly elected, as provided for in Article 53 of the National Electoral Code.

Macri's intention to suspend the election of these seats is not new. From the beginning of his government, he insisted on the inconvenience of supporting this parliamentary representation. As he could not avoid it in 2015, what he did, once installed at Casa Rosada, was to take all types of allowances and travel expenses of elected deputies . For this year's elections, Macri has made progress on the National Electoral Code on the basis of a resolution by Mercosur member countries to suspend the direct election of their parliamentarians. This was announced by Paraguay, who holds the presidency pro tempore of the organization. The curious fact is that Paraguay has been electing its representatives directly since 2007, the same year that the Mercosur Parliament started operating.

Macri's decree may lead to the presentation of a constitutional complaint because it advances the electoral law, but, as political scientist Andy Tow baderts, it is likely that the government will argue that anything relating to relations The exteriors are defined by the president. In addition, it should be added that it is a decision agreed at the regional level. In addition to these details, it should be emphasized that, for these national elections, "there will be a significant reduction in the funds allocated to campaign proselytism, as provided for by the law on the financing of political parties". In March, the same Macri mentioned this point to say that "it costs a fortune to maintain the unnecessary expense of creating a new body of representatives at Parlasur in each election" to ask then the repeal of the rule that defined the election. directly from Mercosur parliamentarians.


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