Without saying goodbye to Biden, Trump will take refuge in Florida after leaving the White House


Defeated by Joe Biden, banned from social networks and awaiting arraignment for calling for an “insurgency”, the presidente estadounidense Donald Trump He will be moving this week from the White House in Washington to the state of Florida, where he has aroused so much passion that his last name was written on the back of a manatee.

The future former president will not attend his successor’s swearing-in ceremony on Capitol Hill and will not receive him with a breakfast at the White House, a tradition in the United States.

Trump will be leaving on Wednesday 20, very early, at your Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, South Florida. Apparently he plans to live and some assure him that his adult children will move closer to their father’s orbit. But his future neighbors are not very happy to have him in the neighborhood.

“Trump intends to live in the Palm Beach resort, sources say, although some his future neighbors are trying to prevent him from residing there permanently, ”Bloomberg said.

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In December, the people of Palm Beach sent a letter to the city where they remember that according to a 1993 agreement the club is a club and not a full-time residence. They recall that the use of the club’s suites must be limited to “a maximum of three non-consecutive periods of seven days per year”, which the club denies.

According to a count by Washington post, the president has already broken this rule by going way over the limit and should fight this argument.

And the problems at Mar-a-Lago are just beginning. This week, the club received a warning from Palm Beach County for hosting a New Years party without a face mask or social distancing.

The eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., 43, posted a video of the party on social media, where people are seen dancing and singing a 1989 song by Vanilla Ice, which was performing live. The result is a threatened fine of $ 15,000 for an imminent violation of covid-19 protective measures.

A solid foundation

Donald trump

“The Trumps will be surprised when they learn that the electoral rolls in South Florida’s top three counties – Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade – are Democrats dominated,” said Craig Pittman, a Florida native and author of five books on the state. “In fact, the congressional representative for the district that covers Mar-A-Lago, Lois Frankel, has voted not once but twice in the political trials against its most famous voter,” he said.

Nonetheless, the president has built a solid fan base in Florida over the past four years, especially among rural whites and conservative Hispanics. One of its strongest supporters is Enrique Tarrio, a Cuban-American from Miami who heads the far-right Proud Boys militia.

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An example of Florida’s passions for the president was a manatee found Sunday with the word “trump” scratched on its back. The animal is in good health, apart from possible ideological annoyance. However, after the assault on Congress on Wednesday, January 6, the future former president arrives on a complex political scene.

Al Cardenas, former president of the Florida Republican Party, said Tampa bay times What Republicans across the state are terrified of losing the support of Trump supporters.

Dozens of supporters demonstrated outside the Miami home of Senator Marco Rubio, hitherto revered by Florida Republicans, who called him a “traitor” for acknowledging the election result and dismissing Trump’s false argument. which the election was a fraud.

Reality in Mar-a-Lago

Elections in the United States 2020. Donald Trump's expectations.

The cardiac press will also be busy. For now, follow in the footsteps of Tiffany, Trump’s 27-year-old daughter, who, according to the tabloid Page Six, lives in South Beach while she searches for properties in the area.

The same outlet reported in December that Ivanka, 39, and her husband Jared Kushner – an adviser to the president – had purchased $ 30 million of land in Indian Creek Village, an islet north of Miami Beach known as the one of the most expensive communities in the country. Finally, it is assumed that Donald Jr. and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle are looking for a house in Jupiter, north of Palm Beach.

Trump plans to move to his Palm Beach resort, but his neighbors don’t want him

What will these New Yorkers do in sunny Florida? “Maybe the Trumps will find a new outlet for their energies, like post-presidential Jimmy Carter did with Habitat for Humanity,” Pittman joked. “There are a lot of poor people in Florida who could use your help.”

But, referring to one of the most infamous moments of his presidency, when the president threw kitchen towels at Puerto Ricans affected by the hurricanes of 2017, he added: “Even though it should be something more substantial than just throwing rolls of paper at them. “


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An investigation into Pew Research Center released Friday reveals the lowest approval rating for Trump’s presidency at 29 percent, the product of a violent mob attack on the U.S. Capitol last week and Trump’s subsequent impeachment.

Three-quarters of those polled – including 52 percent of Republicans or GOP-leaning independents – say Trump bears at least some responsibility for the Capitol riots, which resulted in the deaths of five people.

According to the survey, published by Bloomberg News, only 23% of those who voted in the November election say Trump’s conduct since then has been ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, against 31% in November.



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