Without the Wall Street reference, the Merval disappears from the beginning and loses 0.9%


Without the Wall Street reference, which does not work by holidays, the Merval Index of Argentine Markets and Markets yields 0.9% on Wednesday, after a bullish opening, before a marked reluctance to risk by issues The recent depreciation of the peso, the slowdown in the domestic economy and high inflation as local problems have contributed to growing fears of a trade war between the United States and its partners commercial.

In a climate of greater stabilization of the dollar, domestic badets find their place to attempt a recovery – after the severe punishment that they suffered from the blind sale of foreign investors – beyond they are still waiting for economic policy decisions in the background.

After touching its lowest level in nine months, the main panel rebounded yesterday with force to pull 7.1%, driven by a sharp downward spiral. large purchases of opportunities and with a better mood of investors after the respite that showed the dollar on the foreign exchange market.

Accompanying the double-digit increases of most Argentine ADR, the group leader reacted and managed to exceed 27,000 units (closed at 27,092.19 units), after yielding 2.8% Monday and dragging a loss of 14.1% last week,


In the fixed income segment the main dollar bonds (which are quoted in pesos) ended in disparities, with short bonds subject to a further decline in the US dollar on the chan market 19659002] Thus, the Bonar 2024 fell by 0.5%; the 2020 Bonar, 1.3%; but the reduction under Argentine law gained 0.7%; Argentina 2037, 0.9%; while 100-year bonds rose 1.6%.

In turn, designated hard currency titles climbed up to 3.2% thanks to investor buybacks after the sharp sell-off in recent days. 19659002] The bonds in pesos had a different route. Following the latest monetary measures, the peso rate has risen sharply (the July Lebac was traded at a rate of 70%), which has lowered the price of some bonds in national currency (up to 1%). 2%), SBS Group Report.

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