without vaccines, Bolsonaro on the beach, the rich in party and Manaus in collapse


With no registered vaccines or a vaccination plan date, Brazil faces a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic that, in the middle of the year-end vacation, leaves the city of Manaus, the state capital, on the edge of Amazonas collapsed for the second time due to a lack of beds and space in the municipal cemetery.

The second country to die, behind the United States, is gearing up for the New Year’s media address: a private party of around 500 people over four days and live bands at soccer star Neymar’s beachfront mansion, of the PSG, authorized by the municipality of Mangaratiba, in Rio de Janeiro.

The Brazilian prosecutor’s office said today that it has opened an investigation into the holding of the announced mega-party.

The New Year finds the country in a second wave after a plateau that had been recorded in October and November which combines the feast of the upper classes in private celebrations to receive 2021, the increase in unemployment and the end of emergency aid which since April hosted 65 million people.

Without a doubt, the pandemic focuses on the vaccine, but the lack of progress and clarity in a vaccination plan from the Ministry of Health, led by General Eduardo Pazuello, reveals situations like the end of the year in Collapse that Manaus will be crossing for the second time due to COVID-19.

The largest city in all of the Amazon, Manaus has 100% of its seven private hospitals full for patients with COVID-19, a situation that could not be blocked by the lockdown decreed by the state governor from Amazonas which was boycotted by President Jair Bolsonaro.

A decree forced the shutdown of non-essential commerce between Christmas and New Years, but thousands of traders took to the streets supported by Bolonarian politicians to prevent the measure, which was ultimately rescinded.

To date, more than 5,000 deaths and 196,000 infected people have been recorded in the Amazon pandemic, which has a population of 4 million and borders Peru, Colombia and Venezuela.

Compared with November, burials at the Manaus municipal cemetery fell from 30 to 45 per day in December. Public hospitals are 90% occupied in intensive care, which is why Governor Wilson Lima is preparing a new lockdown for January, this time in agreement with professional associations.

“The situation seems to be worse than that of March or April. In 48 hours, we have exhausted the intensive care beds of the private network, the infirmary and the hospitalizations. We are doing what we can to receive COVID patients. C ‘ is devastating, not having enough beds, ”said clinician Filipe Shimizu.

3,900 kilometers from Manaus, in Mangaratiba, in the bay of Angra dos Reis, in the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro, the event company A Fabrica is preparing the mega-party in the house of Neymar, the player who had several rooms of his house.

Samba and pagoda groups confirmed to CNN Brazil that they had been hired to attend the party which would last at least four days: the condition of the guests is to leave the cell phone at the door, with the security army private mounted on Mangaratiba, a spa where, for example, the Italian team was hosted at the 2014 World Cup.

Meanwhile, the country is discovering diffuse signs of the pandemic. President Bolsonaro said the debt had reached the “limit” and that is why there will be no more social assistance and the country “can no longer endure six months of quarantine”, while in reality in only two cities, Sao Luiz de Maranhao and Belém, in Pará, there was a lockout of a few days.

In Leblón, the most expensive district of Rio de Janeiro, a party of 1000 people last night was turned off by the municipality, which will close the entire coast for the night of December 31 to avoid the crowds.

In Trancoso, a high society beach located next to the town of Porto Seguro, there was a congestion of private jets which, since Saturday, arrive on the paradisiacal beaches in the south of the state of Bahia. Over the weekend, 47 private planes from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro landed at the small airfield in Trancoso.

Doctors warn of crowds over the holidays, especially as the country has once again recorded more than 1,100 deaths a day, which had not happened since September, when all states began to publish non-essential activities, including courses.

The government, meanwhile, is negotiating an agreement with Pfizer so that the US laboratory can register its vaccine with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the regulatory body.

The Department of Health has Pfizer – although it is not known how many doses and when they would arrive – with the AstraZeneca and Coronavac vaccine from the Sinovac laboratory to begin vaccination in the first trimester.

On a related note, the government today announced that it has acquired just 2.4 percent of the syringes and needles it needs to launch the campaign, after the companies that participated in the auction are complaining that the public notice ordered syringes. and needles as a single product and that the prices were lower than usual prices, published the news portal G1, reproduced by ANSA.

São Paulo, the richest and most populous state in the country with 46 million inhabitants, in addition to being at the center of the pandemic, intends unilaterally with its laboratory at the Butantan Institute in the first fortnight January to apply for Coronavac registration from Anvisa to start a local vaccination plan on January 25.

Amid offers between São Paulo governor Joao Doria and Bolsonaro – both competing for the 2022 general election between the right-wing and anti-Lula electorate – Coronavac is the only vaccine on Brazilian soil.

This Wednesday a shipment of 1.6 million doses of Coronavac arrived from China for the Butantan Institute to develop locally.

Thus, São Paulo now has 10.8 million doses to start the vaccination of its personnel at risk, the government said in a statement.

The suspicions against vaccines in general were encouraged by Bolsonaro himself, who referred to Pfizer: “In the contract it says that they are not responsible for side effects, so one can become an alligator or a woman can have a beard. “.

The president, who played a soccer match on the Santos pitch on Monday for an event titled “Brazil Without Hunger”, is on vacation at this spa resort in São Paulo and neighboring Guarujá, where he walks without a mask surrounded by supporters who shout “Myth” at him. (Telam)


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