Woman burns her grandchild's hands for losing $ 50


The incident occurred yesterday in a house in the municipality of Quilicura, north of the Chilean capital, when the woman discovered the loss of money and asked explanations to her grandchildren, a 6 year old boy and an 8 year old girl.

The woman, furious at not getting a satisfactory answer, took the children to the kitchen, where she heated a steak knife over the flame and then he put them on the palm of his hands "to punish them", reported EFE.


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A few minutes later he took the children to the Juan Luis Undurraga school, from the Belén Educa Foundation, where teachers detected injuries.

According to the report, teachers observed that children did not normally use their handsThey checked them and found the wounds, so they decided to give the police notice, which shortly afterwards arrested the grandmother.

The boys "said that during the morning the grandmother burned them with a knifeapparently for the loss of money, "Lt. Luis Basualto of the Carabineros told reporters.

The woman appeared on Wednesday before a court of guarantee, while the grandchildren were recovering from their wounds.


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