Woman claims she got pregnant by “gust of wind” | the Chronicle


A story, which could well be part of the script of one of these soap operas broadcast in the afternoon, took place in Indonesia. Siti Zainah |, a 25-year-old girl, claims she got pregnant because “A gust of wind crept between his legs”.

The girl gave details of what allegedly happened to her at her home in Cianjur, West Java. The woman explains that just hours before giving birth to her baby, she felt the strong current, while she was in the company of her first child..

Siti Zainah |, the young mother of 25 years.

“After Zuhr’s prayer, I was lying face down on my stomach and suddenly I felt the wind blow through my vagina”, he began to relate. “A moment later my stomach swelled up and then it came back to normal. Then he pushed back “, he continued, explaining to various local media.

According to publication OddityCentralThis is not the first such case in Indonesia, since last year another woman gave birth just hours after noticing the first symptoms of pregnancy. Even if it has nothing to do with a gust of wind, far from it.

Finally, Zainah gave birth to her baby girl at the Cidaun community clinic. “The mother and baby are in good condition and the delivery was normal. The sex of the baby is female and weighed 2.9 kilograms “, they report The sun.


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