Woman Dies After Being Beaten and Gang Rape with a Steel Bar | the Chronicle


A savage situation ended the life of a woman, who was attacked by a group of six subjects in the Indian city of Mumbai, who they raped and later used an iron to continue the abuse that led to his death. Meanwhile, the tragic situation has generated a wave of protests in the city due to the violence to which women are subjected in India.

The police incident took place two weeks ago when a woman was walking with a friend after attending the cinema in Mumbai city, and suddenly a group of six men attacked the couple.

The man was beaten with a steel bar until they believed he was dead, while the woman was raped and beaten.

The aggressors too they used the same steel bar to abuse the 34-year-old woman, causing serious internal injuries.

India: death and arrest

The victim was taken to a local hospital in an attempt to save his life, but after two weeks of fighting, the young woman died.

On the other hand, the police arrested man on suspicion of rape and murder, after allegedly identifying him from CCTV footage, the Mumbai Police Commissioner said: Hémant NagraleAlthough he has not yet been formally charged and will remain in police custody until September 21.

Balwant Deshmukh, Chief Inspector of Police at Sakinaka Police Station, said CNN that the victim and the alleged perpetrator were homeless. If charged and convicted, the suspect could face the death penalty.

The truth is that the activist against rape and women’s rights, Yogita bhayana, said the Mumbai case had “shook the nation again” because it was “incredibly similar” the notorious rape and murder of a 23-year-old student in New Delhi in 2012.

Events in India

Meanwhile, the woman’s death has sparked a wave of protests in the city against the horrific violence to which women are subjected.

Rape statistics in India are truly frightening as it is reported that every 15 minutes a woman is raped in the country and that 90 percent of attacks go unreported, so they go unpunished.


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