Woman found dead son and a note saying “he saw something he shouldn’t have seen”


In Paraguay, yesterday at 5:00 p.m., a mother went home after work and found his two year old son dead and a note that says “Sorry. Your son saw something he shouldn’t have seen. We have the other oldest son.”. Tied to the last part of the chilling post, the victim’s 14-year-old brother was missing until Thursday morning when his whereabouts were traced.

The event occurred in the Paraguayan town of Pedro Juan Caballero, where every day the little one was in the care of his big brother when her mother crossed the border with Brazil to go to work, according to local media. Yesterday, after her day’s work, the lady returned home and found the scene grim.

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The smallest of his sons, already dead, I was lying on the bed and covered with a sheet. Next to his body, a note written on a sheet of those scratched notebooks described the alleged murderer’s motive to take the life of the child under two. And he also communicated to the distraught woman that her eldest child had been kidnapped.

The hypothesis of unknown people who entered the house and committed the crime and the kidnapping was dismissed by the footage from a security camera which does not indicate anything in this regard. On the contrary, the images corroborated the statements of a neighbor who said she had seen the brothers are playing in the yard and later the eldest left his house.

The A 14-year-old was found this Thursday (September 2) in the morning in a district (Jardín Aurora) of the same town where the dramatic event took place. A neighbor saw the teenager on a bicycle and notified police, who confirmed he was the brother of the boy who died, according to local newspaper La Nación. The finding was the product of the viralization in social networks of a photo of the young man.

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The medical examiner determined that the cause of death of the child under the age of 2 was mechanical suffocation and there is no trace of abuse on the child’s body. Due to rigor mortis, he died between one and two o’clock in the afternoon of last Wednesday.

The father of the 2-year-old, who is separated from the woman, presented to the Pedro Juan Caballero Regional Hospital where the child’s body was transported.

The hypothesis analyzed by the public prosecutor Paraguay is that of an accident, where the best brother died of suffocation and this motivated the other to flee from his home by bike, according to the report of Channel 4.

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