Woman has filed for divorce from her husband for an unusual reason | Chronic


A woman from the emirate of Fujaira, a city in the United Arab Emirates, filed for divorce from her husband and presented an unusual argument. The complainant said that she was worried because her husband is too good to her.

In court, the woman said she was upset by the excessive demonstration of love and dedication of her partner. He also added that in his marriage, he was missing fights. "For a year, we have never had any problems" he said in protest.

"He never shouted at me or rejected me" outfit. And between the complaints he continued: "He drowns me with his extreme love and affection, he even helps me clean the house without me asking him.". To this, he added that her husband himself sometimes cooked for her and that their relationship looked hell because she needed to "a real discussion" and "not this life without problems and full of obedience", in which your partner always forgives him and gives him gifts every day.

At the time of the defense, the man said that he had not done anything wrong, quite the opposite. He said that he always did his best to "to be a perfect husband", without ever disappointing or rejecting his wife, despite the advice of his friends. The defendant also confessed that he had broken a leg for the exercise after his wife complained of her weight.

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"It's not fair to judge a wedding for the first year, we must learn from our mistakes", lamented the man, who asked the court to force the complainant to dispense the complaint and give him more time to save their relationship. According to media reports, the man was successful and will have a second chance, the court ruled in favor of the husband and ordered the cancellation of the case.


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