Woman hospitalized in Mexico City for adverse reaction to COVID-19 vaccine


A woman presented her reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine (Video: Twitter / @Claudiashein)

This Monday February 15 The second stage of the national COVID-19 vaccination day has started, which consists of immunizing the elderly throughout Mexico, but giving priority to those living in the most marginalized areas of the country. So that in Mexico City, the first three town halls where it took place were Cuajimalpa, Magdalena Contreras and Milpa Alta.

Given the massive need for people requiring vaccination, CDMX authorities have set up vaccination modules at various points in the demarcations to meet the demand. According to the authorities, the first day of the day was presented as regular; however, the case of a woman who reacted negatively to the vaccine was presented.

Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of CDMX, provided details of the case at a press conference held at around 2:40 p.m. PT.

An elderly woman had a reaction to the vaccine, for which she was transferred to a hospital in the capital (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
An elderly woman had a reaction to the vaccine, for which she was transferred to a hospital in the capital (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“There is one person who had a reaction, a 67-year-old who was transferred to the Enrique Cabrera General Hospital and who is stable at the moment”said Dr Sheinbaum Pardo during the presentation of the day’s progress.

Developing on the subject, he also evokes the case of an elderly person who fainted while queuing up to be vaccinated, but it has not happened to adults and the subject is also under observation.

Regarding the anaphylactic state presented by the woman affected by the active AstraZeneca in the town hall of Magdalena Contreras, the Dr José Jesús Trujillo, director general of epidemiology and preventive medicine, explained that it was not serious.

A woman reacted to the COVID-19 vaccine (Photo: Government of Mexico)
A woman reacted to the COVID-19 vaccine (Photo: Government of Mexico)

“In the application of any biological product, a reaction is always expected. In this case, the person responded favorably, it is not necessary to have an advanced intervention “, A detailed Trujillo Gutiérrez.

Likewise, he reiterated that if the elderly who are going to apply the vaccine take Drug, they should keep taking it and not enter young, since taking food is an essential part in your body.

Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of Mexico City, gave a press conference in which she detailed the day's progress (Photo: Government of Mexico)
Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of Mexico City, offered a press conference in which she detailed the day’s progress (Photo: Government of Mexico)

However, if complications arise, the CDMX government already has an emergency plan called “Critical routes”, which consists in dealing with these types of cases in an interinstitutional manner whatever the type of law, this means that the priority will be to bring the individual as quickly as possible to the health center closest to the module where he was vaccinated.

Despite this reaction, the environmental energy doctor was optimistic and felt that the goal of 35,000 vaccinations applied on the first day of the second phase of the vaccination day, it could be completed; however, he added, in the event of significant delays, the CDMX government could implement additional measures.

“The day should apply from Monday to Friday; however, if necessary, it is planned to open modules on Saturday and Sunday “, he expressed during the press conference.

Given the delay in some vaccination modules, Claudia Sheinbaum went to supervise the inoculation of the population (Photo: Government of Mexico)
Given the delay in some vaccination modules, Claudia Sheinbaum went to supervise the inoculation of the population (Photo: Government of Mexico)

It is because a delay in vaccine delivery in 20 modules during the early hours of the day, which could compromise vaccination schedules; however, the head of government felt that this could be resolved in a short time.

Finally, before reviews of the so-called opposition, Claudia Sheinbaum preferred not to express her opinion, because she assures us that they are in “their role”.

“They will criticize, they are in their role, but I will not answer (criticism and insults). We owe ourselves to the citizens “he explained. On top of that, he also reiterated that they had been asked to donate some of their prerogatives as parties to help fight COVID-19, but that is not the case.


35,000 citizens of the capital should be vaccinated on the first day of vaccination: Claudia Sheinbaum gave details of the day

Map of coronavirus in Mexico on February 15: country topped 174,000 deaths, with 21 entities at high risk

Optimism and long queues: this is how the vaccination of the elderly began in Mexico

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