Woman jumped from balcony to escape rapist | the Chronicle


A 36-year-old Brazilian girl had to jump off the balcony to escape a man, who had entered her home with a knife to steal, until at one point he began to grope the victim and threatened to rape her.

The incident happened on January 29 near the industrial park in the city of Goiania, Brazil, where several business premises are located, according to the G1 portal.

Apparently the man had entered the building and had already robbed another resident. Upon entering the women’s department, local media reported that The man first stole his cell phone, then the assailant touched the woman’s private parts and told her that if she did not agree to have sex with him, he would kill her.

According to the victim’s account to the Brazilian police, the incident took place on the first floor of the building, until the woman escapes up the stairs, pursued by the stalker, and that is where The woman was able to open a window and jumped 4 meters to escape the rapist.

In the video from the neighborhood security cameras, only the moment of the fall of the woman can be observed, who touches the ground in a bad way and remains for a while trying to get up, but without success, because of the pain caused by the breath.

The assailant fled the day of the attack to a wooded area by bicycle and the police are still looking for him.

The woman suffered a hip fracture, for which she was admitted to the emergency hospital in Goiânia, details G1. The doctors operated on her and for now its status is “regular”, according to hospital medical staff.


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