Woman made a video to make fun of her ex infected | Chronic


Local police in Georgia, United States, are investigating Brandi Lasiter because he's done a live broadcast of his Facebook and stated that he had deliberately infected people with whom he had bad with HIV.

In the video that had already been deleted, Lasiter gave one by one the names of his alleged victims and also gave the names of the wives or wives of each, while making fun of it. "Will see them die".

The publication was immediately viralized through the networks and so the people involved learned what was going on.

One of them went to the police to denounce her for harbadment, in addition to the punishment that could be imposed if her statements were true. In the state of Georgia, intentional transmission of HIV is a serious crime. The authorities therefore opened an investigation as soon as they became aware of the case.

Once arrested, Lasiter said that everything was a lie and that she was not infected with HIV; she could not have transmitted the disease to anyone.

In addition to presenting a screening test conducted in 2018, the woman said she was justified and explained that she was angry at her ex-partners and that it was in a momentum that she was in a hurry. she had made the decision to say these things.

For the moment, other tests are under way to determine the guilt of the person concerned. However, even if the result was negative, he could face other counts of non-pecuniary damage.


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