Woman managed to catch and rescue a baby who fell out of a building window


Nail Women quick reflexes reacted in time and avoided a tragedy. Seeing that a baby was by fall out of the window the second floor of a residential building, managed to catch it in time before it hits the ground. He immediately handed it over to the parents and continued on his way.

The event which luckily ended with a happy ending happened last Wednesday in the Russian city of Novokuznetsk and was captured by security cameras.

The parents of the one-and-a-half-year-old were at home cleaning the house when they heard a scream from the window. After desperately running to the place, they found their son in the street with a stranger supporting him. The woman simply gave the boy to his parents and left, as reported by the Directorate General of Russian Interior Ministry for the Kemerovo region.

VIDEO: A woman in Russia catches a baby who has fallen out of a building window (Video: ОПЕР ТВ).

Immediately, the parents called the medical staff to check the condition of the baby, who had nothing. At the same time, the local authorities launched a research task via social networks and media for identify the woman who saves and express your gratitude, because without his presence and speed of action, the baby’s end would have been different.

After a few days, precisely on Monday, the woman called Svetlana Sanárova, appeared before the police. The protagonist of the commendable gesture has 64 years old, and said he was returning from a store when he caught his eye the presence of the baby on the edge of the window, On the second floor. So when he saw that he was going to fall, thrown away the shopping bags and ran to the building where he stretched out his arms to catch him and keep him from falling to the ground.

Svetlana Sanárova said that “didn’t have time to think about a decision and did what her heart told her», According to the regional ministerial direction.

That is why, in the near future, the local authorities plan to meet Sanárova to meet her and “thank her for her responsiveness and to save the child “.

Fortunately, there are many good people in the world, and Sanárova’s case is not the only one. Two years ago, a similar episode occurred in Istanbul, Turkey, where a two-year-old girl of Syrian origin –Doha Mohammed– He rushed into the void out the window while his mother was cooking.

Right now, Feuzi Zabaat, a 17-year-old Algerian, saw what was going to happen from the street and he was able to catch up with her in the midst of a fall. The girl was not hurt and the young man was called a hero after saving his life.


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