Woman pulls a horn a few days before her wedding | Chronic


A 43-year-old woman from the American city of Connecticut went to get a horn a few days before her wedding.

The patient lived with the growth of the skin for over a year and was the doctor Sandra Lee, who discovered it a year ago and broadcast it live during the broadcast of the TLC program.

"Grows from day to day" says the woman during the recording and "Sometimes it's painful"add Lisa.

The professional commented: "He has a ring that grows and is very tender, it's a horn, basically, like a rhinoceros, it's a hard horn".

In reference to whether this mini-operation could change her marriage plans, she said "I do not want anyone to see it, so I've pulled my hair up and almost stuck it in. The growth gives me an impression of brute, who has a horn coming out of his head?".

After the episode, he stated "I'm worried about what could be, my biggest fear is that it's a cancer"Lisa said. "I'm afraid to leave my daughter alone", he added.

A few hours later, the expert explained that she had explained that she did not have a serious illness and that it was a hump. "cutaneous body".


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