Woman Shot and Killed Her Five Children, Set Home on Fire and Blow Her Head Off | the Chronicle


Young mother in West Virginia (USA) took her own life after killing her five children and setting her house on firelocal authorities reported after the investigation was concluded.

According to local media, on December 8, firefighters were alerted to a fire in Greenbrier County. Close to home lifeguards They found the body of Oreanna Myers, 25, injured in the head and a gun by her side.

The family car was also found with a diary and three suicide letters. In one of them, titled “My Confession”, the woman confessed to having killed the 5 children, 3 of which were biological children, and the rest of her partner with another young woman. In the letter, the woman also called for helping people who are suffering from mental problems.

I am sorry that mental health is serious. I hope that someday someone will help others like me. Mental health should not be joked about or taken lightly. When someone pleads, pleads, calls for help, please help them. They can save one or more lives“, the note read.

In another of the letters, Myers wrote to his mother: “Sorry. It is no one’s fault. My demons are beating me and there’s no turning back. I am so sorry that I am not strong enough. “

The bodies of the children, all under the age of 7, were found hours later.

According to the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Department, Myers texted the children’s father a few hours before telling him he had left something in his vehicle and wished he was “Strong enough”.

A local newspaper reported that the cell phone and a glass jar containing a crystal and a cloth with a spiral symbol were found inside the car.

This is how the house looked after the fire.


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