Woman Went To Hospital With Ankle Injury, Found Out She Was Born Male And Intersex | the Chronicle


She had tried to get pregnant for a year without success. After a visit to the hospital for a foot injury, she learned why: he was born a boy and was intersex.

Her doctor, looking at the x-rays of her ankle, found that the woman had the bony features of a teenager and was surprised. The 25-year-old confessed that she never had a period and that years ago a specialist told her she was going to develop.

After a series of endocrine tests, they found that he had high blood pressure and very low levels of potassium in his blood, two symptoms of Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a condition that can trigger a sexual development disorder.

Even so, after performing a genetic test, the doctor found that the lack of menstruation was not due to the dysfunction of the patient’s adrenal glands. The cause was linked to her chromosomes: the woman was a carrier of a 46 XY male karyotype and had disgenesia gonadal parcial.

This disorder of sexual development is linked to abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs provoking genital ambiguity of varying degree depending on the patient. In studies of women, did not detect male genitals. “We found no hidden testicles on his body. Maybe it’s because he’s quite old and they’ve degenerated and atrophied“said its endocrinologist, Dr. Dong fengqin.

Despite the lack of menstruation, ‘Pingping’ [nombre ficticio dado a la paciente] had no reason to suspect that she was anything other than a biological woman because had external female genitaliaThe first affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University College of Medicine said in a statement.

The patient has already controlled the conditions caused by adrenal hyperplasia and will now need Decide which gender you want to identify with and assume your identity.


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