Woman who was dragged by a wave appears alive 18 months later at the same place


The protagonist of the story is Nining Sunarsih, a 53-year-old Indonesian whom his family believed dead. For the last time they saw her, she was on the island of Java enjoying her grandson and in a carefree wave surprised her.

This event took place in January 2017, it was never found its life, because it was hunted off and never again had news.

The woman's parents contacted the authorities and the coast guard to launch a search campaign, but for the moment

The news took on significance this week, as the The local media reported, the father of the disappeared began to have very recurring soils on the beach and decided to seek him out with his family. When they all surrendered, the woman was found unconscious 500 meters from where the wave had washed away and with the same clothes.

Nobody knows what has happened to him at the moment, because even if the medical advice indicates that his health is stable and he can already eat food, he has not yet found the faculty to speak

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