Women protested again in Kabul and the Taliban responded with gas and gunfire


As Afghanistan uncertainly awaits the formation of the new Taliban government, its forces cracked down on Saturday with tear gas and midair fire. demonstration organized by women, who for the second day in a row took to the streets of Kabul to demand their rights and their participation in a future cabinet.

The Afghans marched from the Foreign Ministry to the gates of the presidential palace when they were stopped by the Taliban.

“They prevented us from continuing the march and said that it was not allowed to go to the gate of the presidential palace,” one of the protest organizers told the EFE news agency, which requested anonymity.

“They used gunshots and tear gas to disperse us, even though five women gather in one place to protest, they disperse them,” he added.

Armed Taliban clash with Afghan women who have taken to the streets of Kabul to defend their rights.  Photo: REUTERS

Armed Taliban clash with Afghan women who have taken to the streets of Kabul to defend their rights. Photo: REUTERS

The woman added that one of the protesters suffered head injuries during clashes with Taliban forces.

The claim of women

This is the second women’s protest to take place in Kabul in the past two days and the third since the Taliban took control of almost the entire country, after around 20 Afghans gathered in Herat on Thursday. important city in the west of the country. , to claim their rights in the new Taliban regime.

“Today’s protest was in line with yesterday’s protest to call on the Taliban to give women meaningful participation in all aspects of life, including decision-making and politics,” he said. she explained to EFE this Saturday. the Afghan capital.

The activist pointed out that women’s protests will continue “Until the Taliban accept our demands, we will not remain silent or lock ourselves in homes.

The Islamists promised their government would be “inclusive”, representing all ethnic groups and tribes in the country, but in the case of women, fundamentalist leaders demanded to wait and see what the new guidelines would be and said that between -time, officials will be paid at home.

The Taliban have asserted that women’s rights will not revert to the insignificance they had between 1996 and 2001, during the previous stage of the so-called Islamic Emirate.

However, they clarified that heSharia or Islamic law will be the red line that they will take into account.

The international community, led by the United Nations, called for respect for the rights of all sexes.

Afghan women promise to continue claiming their rights.  Photo: EFE

Afghan women promise to continue claiming their rights. Photo: EFE

Promises and mistrust

Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi told EFE on Friday that “all Afghans, including women, will enjoy their rights in the future government, but the level of women’s participation in politics is something that will be decided. and clarified. once the new government is formed. . “

In this sense, Afghan women argue that over the past twenty years, since the fall of the previous Taliban government, they have made great achievements in the field of rights and education, which is why they also deserve to be honored. work as ministers, directors and in other government positions.

Moreover, they ask the international community not to forget them and to listen to their voice; who work and defend the rights of Afghan women.

Source: EFE


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