Women therefore encourage two minors to fight in the street | the Chronicle


Two minors transformed the street in the city of Callao, Peru, into a wrestling ring where they grabbed kicks, kicks and hair, in an increasingly violent fight, while the other women encouraged the attack.

While the two protagonists dragged their hair and scratched in different parts of the body, spectators watched the fight intently. So much so that when a woman wanted to separate the opponents, two others with a knife and a broom in hand prevented this from happening and the performance from ending.

As seen in the video, neither of the two rivals was ready to give up their arms twist and continue the confrontation in the field for a long time, in front of the impatient gaze of the salespeople and customers of the Association of Merchants of Carrillo Albornoz in Callao.

Eventually, a neighbor managed to intervene in the middle of the scuffle, separated them and prevented a tragedy from happening.

This is how a street fight developed between two minors, encouraged by women:


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