Won the lottery 14 times with a mathematical calculation


A man was in a difficult situation and decided to bet on the lottery. But he realized that a simple logarithm would help him to win

In the 1960s, Stefan Mandel lived under the oppressive regime of communist Romania. The economy of that moment was not the best and this man suffered every day. It was then that he thought of wagering on the lottery.

The economist and trained computer expert did not have to think much. He realized that a simple mathematical answer would help him win the lottery.

Mandel calculated that while he was buying tickets with some blocks of numbers, he could guarantee a win in second place. He convinced two friends, his first "investors", to participate in the plan with him. They did not win second place. They won first.

The man used his earnings to flee Romania with his wife and children. Finally, he settles in Australia. And that's where he perfected his plan. With the help of a room filled with printers and a computer program that he created, he discovered logistics.

All he needed was money to buy all the tickets. He therefore found more and more investors, to whom he had promised some of the profits.

He and his investors won the lottery. But not once, but 12 times in the 1980s. In the end, Australia made so many changes to its lottery laws that it could no longer handle its business.

But 13 wins were not enough for Mandel. He focused on the United States and the Virginia lottery. He raised funds from thousands of investors and then waited for a bag big enough to justify his bold plan, according to Cienradios.

In February 1992, he finally succeeded. The Virginia lottery had grown to $ 27 million, a huge amount at the time, giving Mandel three days to buy all the number combinations. From Australia.

Everything went well for two days. But a few hours before the closing of the shop window, one of the stores stopped selling them. In the end, they only paid five to six million tickets. The infallible plan was not so foolproof and, even if it was likely to prevail, it was always lucky.

Not only did they win the jackpot, but, according to the Hustle website, they also earned an extra million by getting hundreds of smaller prizes.

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