Woody Allen's son discovered NBC maneuvers to protect a driver accused of abuse


For two decades Matt Lauer That was the face with which Americans woke up. Until November 2017 your program The show of today open with the news of his dismissal. Journalist Savannah Gutherie enthusiastically announced that the channel NBC had terminated Lauer's contract for "Inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace". They indicated that management had knowledge from a worker of this type of attitude of Lauer and that even though it was the first time that they were receiving such a complaint they had decided to throw it away.

He always denied, but two years later, the journalist and author Ronan Farrow He relived this scandal by considerably increasing its proportions. The son of Woody Allen and 31-year-old Mia Farrow, winner of the Pullitzer Prize for his work in the discovery of the Weinstein case, revealed in his latest book juicy details of the famous producer and presenter, as well as the NBC , which alleged collusion, I would have tried to hide everything.

Farrow's book, published last Tuesday, is entitled Catch and Kill: lies, spies and conspiracy to protect predators, and describes the obstacles encountered while working in the NBC and investigating harassment cases featuring Harvey Weinstein, which led him to publish his story in the magazine New Yorker. The author explained that Weinstein had engaged a private investigator service consisting of ex-Mossad agents in his ranks to try to stop him. The explosive thing about this book is the relation of these facts to the figure of Matt Lauer. Woody Allen's son assured that the blockade of the chain at his job was caused by the threats of the producer with many cases of harassment and abuse perpetrated for years by Lauer, one of the most remarkable faces of society.

"What is serious is not that we had many names of Weinstein victims. did we even have his recordings and they ordered us to stop telephoning and cancel all interviews, "Farrow said during a promotional interview at Hello Americachain ABC. "The NBC It's a chain with a lot of secrets, with a whole series of agreements as a motive which has involved many journalists to cover cases of abuse committed for years, long before the Lauer scandal and his dismissal are revealed, "he said.

Several of them were featured by the presenter and several companions were harassed before the case of Brooke Nevils, the victim who caused his fall. Farrow the interview in the book, in which it is the most rugged chapter. Nevils, whose identity had been kept secret, first explained in detail the charges that motivated Mr. Lauer to be unemployed. According to his testimony, the presenter violently raped her in her hotel room while both covered the Sochi Olympics in 2014. She had been drinking but had repeatedly refused to entertain relationships. He responded with a letter from his lawyer in which he claimed that it was about consensual sexual intercourse.

Matt Lauer, former driver of the NBC channel, was fired from the channel in 2017 as a result of a complaint for sexual violence. (Photo: AFP / Jason Merritt / Getty Images North America)
Matt Lauer, former driver of the NBC channel, was fired from the channel in 2017 as a result of a complaint for sexual violence. (Photo: AFP / Jason Merritt / Getty Images North America)

Farrow admits that Nevils and Lauer had already had relationships and that's what the alleged victim blames himself the most, who stated that she was "terrified" of the control that he exercised over his career. . In addition, he revealed that he had told a "thousand people" the alleged violation, but nothing happened until 2017. Just after the trial of Weinstein, several Lauer program journalists suddenly took the floor. The show of today, They started asking questions about the 2014 incident, and one of them recommended going to the human resources of the NBC With a lawyer. Then came the dismissal of Lauer, at which time the director of NBC News as director of the channel, Andy Lack, they stressed that it was in no way an assault or a case of violent abuse, this that she insisted, recalled Farrow.

Andy Lack, the director who fired Lauer, responded to People magazine, which supported Ronan Farrow's investigation of Weinstein for financial and editorial reasons, but after seven months they decided not to publish it because he did not have it the requirements of your style notebook neither was enough to the groundand yet they gave him permission to publish it on another medium. He stated that the first time they had knowledge of what had happened with Matt Lauer, it was 24 hours before his dismissal. He finally recalled that many scandals of sexual harassment, such as those of Bill Cosby or Jeffrey Epstein, had been published on the NBC channel.

Since his dismissal, Matt Lauer has fled to his home in New York, in the Hamptons, for a value of $ 45 million. Today, at age 61, he spends time with his three children, two boys aged 16 and 11 and a 14-year-old daughter, and last month. The divorce process of Annette Roque completedwho was his wife for 19 years. A separation that began two years ago, when his "inappropriate behavior" was known, cost him $ 20 million and owned this mansion.

For his part, Satchell Ronan O 'Sullivan Farrow has a very busy schedule. He went to a children's school with great abilities and graduated in philosophy at 15 years old. He studied law at Yale and, at the age of 18, he was an advisor to the Obama administration on youth and NGO issues, as well as for Hillary Clinton when he was a young man. he was secretary of state. Then he began his journalistic career in which collaborated with the most prestigious media of the world.


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