World AIDS Conference: Experts fear peak of epidemic


As part of the International AIDS Conference, experts and activists fear that the easing of prevention, combined with a decrease in international funding, will lead to a rebound in the epidemic.

The World AIDS Conference kicked off on July 23 in Amsterdam with a speech by the Austrian singer and winner of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest, Conchita Wurst

Wurst, who revealed at the beginning of this year that he was HIV-positive , said the company "must talk about HIV as it would with any other disease."

The most recent figures of the disease

Figures from the United Nations Program UNAIDS, indicate that in 2017 a total of 1.8 million people were infected with HIV, 5 , 3% less than in 2016, while the number of deaths related to this disease decreased by 5% in 2017 to reach 940,000. [19659003] Despite encouraging figures, UNAIDS warned that this trend could be slowed down because in 2017 "there were no significant new commitments" from donors and fears that even the money available "may decrease".

"The horror of 1992" and the lack of economic resources

These good figures could represent a risk, experts believe that positive results can lead to a relaxation of prevention That, combined with According to UNAIDS, last year, $ 30 billion was spent on AIDS programs in low-income and middle-income countries. estimates that $ 7 billion a year is needed for the disease to cease to be a threat to global public health by 2030.

The community of researchers and badociations is particularly concerned upada by the decrease in US contributions. Since the election of Donald Trump, the United States, the largest major contributor to the fight against AIDS, has planned cuts that have not yet been made.

Panorama of AIDS in Latin America [19659003] According to figures from the international organization, with the closure in 2017, the number of adults and children living with HIV in Latin America is 1,800,000, while the number of recent infections reaches 100,000.

The number of adult deaths and children due to AIDS was 37,000

The case of Venezuela is of concern to the region. While the overall AIDS figures are positive on the continent, this country is plunged into a crisis of treatments and drugs.

In an interview with Radio France International, Amnesty International representative Geneviève Garrigos directly blamed Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, saying that many countries are willing to donate medicines but Maduro does not accept them because it would imply recognizing a humanitarian crisis. The shortage of drugs is estimated at 95%

This year's theme is "Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges"

Linda-Gail Bekker, President of the International AIDS Society (IAS ), "Stated that" the greatest obstacles to the end of the epidemic are ideological and political "and affirmed that" the end of AIDS will come only when science-based policies take precedence, will ensure adequate funding and "

The Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that" no one should stop receiving treatment or die of HIV because of the lack of medical care. " access to basic medical care ".

According to figures provided by the IAS, four out of ten adolescent girls in Africa have suffered physical or badual violence from an intimate partner, which increases the likelihood of contracting HIV. [19659003] During the conference, which was convened for the first time at the height of the epidemic in 1985, important announcements are expected on the progress of HIV prevention, including the latest research on HIV prevention. vaccines and other tools for fighting the virus. 19659003] Since the beginning of the epidemic, experts estimate that 77.3 million people contracted the infection and 35.4 million died of AIDS-related diseases

With EFE and Reuters

First Amendment: 24/07/2024

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