World cheesecake day: the best recipe for making cheesecake


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This Friday July 30, World Children’s Day is celebrated. cheesecake and that’s the best excuse to try this awesome cake, an American classic made with a very Argentinian touch.

It is the hallmark of many pastries around the world, including United States, which has a great and long tradition and history.

Thinks that this cheesecake it was first unveiled in ancient Greece during the celebration of the Olympic Games in 776 BC. This dessert was chosen for such an event because it is a very good energy supply for sportsmen and athletes.

It was the Romans and their Empire who helped spread this cheesecake recipe and finally it wasn’t until the 19th century that it arrived in the United States.

In America, the contribution was for an error in the kitchen of William Lawrence, dairy farmer, who wanted to compete with a French cheese but could not find it. Although it generated a great invention: cream cheese or Philadelphia which gave the final and particular touch to the famous cheesecake. Then it was in the United States that the custom began to celebrate its allusive day every July 30.

Recipe for the delicious Cheesecake from Usina Cafetera


  • Blueberries 500 gr
  • Icing sugar 375 gr
  • Ground cookies 300 gr
  • Milk cream 685 gr
  • Sweet raspberry 450 gr
  • Vanilla essence 1 tbsp
  • Flour 87 gr
  • Eggs 475 gr
  • Butter 150gr
  • Cream cheese 1250 gr
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon zest

Processing method

In a bowl, mix the ground cookies with the melted butter until they form a dough.

Cover with this dough ½ cm high from the base of a sized square with aluminum foil at the bottom.

Bake for 8 minutes at 180 ° C and let cool.

For the cream cheese:

In a bowl, combine the firm cream cheese and eggs with a hand mixer until combined.

Add the powdered sugar and mix with a rubber spatula, flavored with lemon zest and vanilla essence.

Add the cream of milk and beat again with a mixer.

Incorporate the sifted flour mixed with a little of the mixture to avoid lumps.

Mix the two preparations with a small shake and pour over the baked cookie base.

Place a square of baking paper in contact with the cream and bake at 145 ° C for 60 minutes.

Cool and remove the paper.

Cover carefully with raspberry fudge and fresh blueberries on top.

Finish the decoration with white chocolate rolls and macaroons.

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