World cuddle day: why it’s celebrated on January 21


he Cuddle day It was created in 1986 by Kevin Zaborney and Adam Olis, in the United States. The goal was to encourage more people to kiss each other, because at the time American society was ashamed to “show its feelings in public.”

The idea was successful and other countries joined the proposal until it became an international day celebrated every January 21.

The coronavirus pandemic limits the possibility of hugging, but once Covid-19 vaccine is applied and the risk of contagion has decreased, you will be able to benefit from the benefits of hugs.

“Due to the pandemic there are people who cannot feel or appreciate the body and a glance can have the same effects as a hug. A warm word, a gesture and the tone of voice also influence, ”explains lawyer Maria Martha Panizza (MN 28 299), coordinator of the psychology and educational psychology team of the Municipal Center for the Development of the Child and early stimulation “El Nido”, from San Isidro.

What science thinks

According to the article published in the scientific journal PLOS One, there is a scientific reason behind this precious gesture: hugs have a positive impact on mood and stress after going through social conflict.

To find out, the working group surveyed 404 participants before the start of the pandemic. They called them every night for two weeks to ask, among other things, their mood, if they had had a conflict and if they had received a hug. They supplemented these discussions with a physical exam and a form on their health and social connections before starting.

After this period, the researchers observed that cuddling was associated with improved positive mood markers, as well as in reducing negatives. What if they have a rough day? People who received hugs reported fewer negative and more positive feelings than on days they experienced conflict, but did not receive this contact.

“Interpersonal tactile behaviors, such as hugging, can alleviate stressors such as conflict by increasing perceptions of the availability of social support by tangibly conveying attention and empathy without communicating anything negative,” write the authors.

In addition to oxytocin, hugs release serotonin and dopamine, generating a great feeling of well-being and happiness. Associated with this is also improves self-esteem, therefore it increases the good mood and energy.

Physical benefits of hugs

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Help to sleep and rest better.
  • Increase attention and motivation.
  • Improves certain behavioral patterns in children.


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