World Day Against Colon Cancer: How to prevent and treat the second most common tumor in Argentina


This Sunday commemorates World Day Against Colon Cancer. With about 13,500 new cases each year, this is the second most important cancer in Argentina (behind the bad) and it is estimated that about 20 people a day (about 7500 a year) die from this tumor, a figure surpbaded only by lung cancer.

It happens even if 90% of cases can be cured by minimally invasive treatments. However, only 27% of people aged 50 to 75 years are subjected to the corresponding diagnostic studies, which is why most cancers are detected at an advanced stage, which greatly complicates their treatment.

Colorectal cancers occur also for men and women over 50 and in about 75% of cases, it develops in people who do not have a personal or family history of this type of pathology. These people with family history or inflammatory bowel disease require targeted monitoring.

Dr. Fabio Nachman (MN 96066), Head of the Gastroenterology Department of the University Hospital of the Favaloro Foundation, he recalled in dialogue with Comfort "Nutrition is a key factor in the onset of this type of cancer, especially high meat consumption and especially smokes (they contain aromatic amines, a group of chemical compounds with carcinogenic effects) and low consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is compounded by sedentary lifestyle, obesity and diabetes. "

Symptoms and diagnoses

Among the risk factors are also the low fiber and high fat diets, smoking and drinking alcohol. Some of most visible symptoms these are usually changes in evacuation habits, an incomplete evacuation sensation, blood loss per year, discomfort or abdominal pain, abdominal distention, decay and lack of strength, between other.

In addition, among the methods diagnoses Employees include proctological examination, fecal occult blood test and colonoscopy, a study that can diagnose and treat precancerous lesions (polyps).

As well, the investigation does not stop. A few days ago, a Symposium dedicated to colon cancer. One of the organizers, the Argentine gastroenterologist Luis Caro (MN 51580, Gedyt Foundation), explained to Comfort that studies have been presented on the impact of the badysis with Big Datawhich in the future may lead to better diagnoses and treatments. At the same time, the importance of emphasizing prevention as the main tool was emphasized. Finally, the National Cancer Institute planned the launch of a pilot plan in Mendoza, in which the Gedyt Foundation would conduct an audit study.

Prevention campaigns: enough fear or shame against colonoscopy

In order to reverse the mentioned statistics of the country, the ENDIBA Scientific Association (Digestive Endoscopists of Buenos Aires) launched the campaign # MakeOneColonoscopy. As part of the World Colon Cancer Day, celebrated on March 31, renowned personalities have voluntarily participated in the making of a video aimed at viralizing the importance of the benefits of premature diagnosis of this disease.

Famous personalities and various television gave face to this campaign. The goal is to get the patient to access quality information in a simple and clear way and to avoid the risk of studies and diagnostic practices not only prevent, but early detect colon cancer. For this reason, one of the pillars of this campaign relies on the transmission of the safety and effectiveness of colonoscopy as a method of diagnosing colon cancer. seeking to eradicate the modesty and fear that this practice engenders in the vast majority of patients, which leads them to avoid and promote really worrying statistical data.

"The prevention of colorectal cancer is essentially with two methods of diagnosis. The first is occult blood in feces, which can be done by the patient at home using a device provided by the doctor. The second, more accurate and effective study is colonoscopy, the first option for patients considered "at risk" because of their family history or suffering from chronic inflammatory bowel disease, describes Dr. Lisandro Pereyra. ENDIBA

In the same spirit of adding awareness to prevention, The Favaloro Foundation launched the campaign "I love life". Dr. Nachman pointed out that colonoscopy can reduce cancer mortality by up to 75%. "The tumor is preventable," they have noticed since the institution. "Together with the Gray Agency, we decided to reverse the situation and that is why we ask you to participate in the campaign. Share the messages of the social networks of the Favaloro Foundation so that we together can transform this reality #DiaMundialDelCancerDeColon"Nachman said.


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