World Dog Day: what is the origin of the Chihuahua, one of the favorites in Mexico


Chihuahua dogs are generally the favorite of Mexicans (Photo: Pixabay)
Chihuahua dogs are generally the favorite of Mexicans (Photo: Pixabay)

the chihuahua dog is undoubtedly one of the favorite among Mexican families, and in this one International dog day It is worth remembering what its origins are and why it is generally one of the most popular breeds.

It is July 21 Puppies are celebrated around the world as a thank you for their company and loyalty to people as it is considered The men’s best friend”.

Although today people remember their furry companions from childhood and the present, the point is to believe consciousness on the amount of dogs which are abandoned, mistreated and mistreated.

Many dogs, regardless of breed, risk a life of violence if they fall into the wrong hands. In the case of Chihuahuas, being small and nervous, they can experience abandonment, as well as exploitation in the pet market.

Chihuahuas are small (Photo: Pixabay)
Chihuahuas are small (Photo: Pixabay)

According to the Secretariat of Culture of Mexico City, Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world and descend from the technical (word of Nahuatl origin composed of telt, which means “stone”, and chichi, which means “dog”), although its origin is a bit disconcerting, since its exact lineage has not yet been found, however, he is believed to be a relative of the Chinese miniature dogs.

It is presumed that technical were an important part of the Toltec and Aztec culturesWell that was the pets of wealthy people and were cremated with their owners deceased so that they carry their sins and the person can pass into the next world without angering the gods.

In addition, we say that they drove their late owner down the road to hell, protecting them from possible evil spirits, like the Xoloescuincle dogs.

Some point out that they were born from the crossing between technical and a little dog and Asian hairless. The theory is that the breed, as it is currently known, evolved from different varieties of techichi, mixed with dogs from Mexico, Arizona and Texas.

Chihuahuas are very spoiled by their owners due to their size (Photo: EuropaPress)
Chihuahuas are very spoiled by their owners due to their size (Photo: EuropaPress)

Its name would have been adopted equal to that of the state of Chihuahua, in northern Mexico, for having been exported for the first time to the United States from there.

In addition to their small size, Chihuahua dogs have big eyes, as good as fragile body and trembling. Typically, an adult is between 15 and 23 centimeters tall and weighs between 1.8 and 2.7 kilograms.

His personality tend to be nervous, loud and bark, they tend to create attaches to one or two people with whom you will be curious, intelligent, lively and very affectionate. In addition, they are generally exclusive and feel better in a herd of Chihuahuas.

However, with the right education, the above can change so that he learns to socialize and is less nervous about new environments, people or dogs.

It is common to see chihuahua dogs with clothes (Photo: Pixabay)
It is common to see chihuahua dogs with clothes (Photo: Pixabay)

It is therefore recommended that those who adopt it are experienced owners and willing to give them some basic training. In case you are looking for him to live with children, you must be patient and teach him to be sociable, in addition to the fact that the interactions of minors with them must also be supervised.

According to research Household Quotes, who took information from Google, Mexico, Chihuahua dogs are often favorites Across the country.

However, having focused on research, this only indicates that it is one of the favorite dogs, although it is not known for sure that it is the dominant one in Mexican homes.


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